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" Are you Ms. Yu and Ms. Park ? " The receptionist who's on the front desk, asked.

You and Karina nodded your heads.

Fetching out the card on your pocket that your boss gave you, you gave it to the girl and when Karina notices something she frowned.

She saw how the girl grab the card and the fact that she simply caresses the top of your palm makes her pissed.

Though why would she ? you're not together anymore.

" Thankyou " You said and was about to walk away but the  the girl speak again.

" I'll take you both there " She smiles.

You looked at her before looking at Karina who's beside you and nodded your head as you motioned the girl to take the lead.

Now that makes Karina pissed again. You didn't even ask her if it's fine with her.

Entering inside the elevator, you sighed when some guests at this hotel enter inside too before the door could close and now the elevator is crowded, the fact that you're both getting squeeze from behind makes you sigh again.

" Are you okay ? "

You heard her asked.

You look at Karina and nod your head as you wait for the elevator to finally stop since the atmosphere is suffocating you.

Walking through some hallways once you left the elevator, the three of you stopped on a specific room. The girl swiped the card you gave her to the side of the door as it opens.

Supposed to be once you're in a hotel, you're supposed to admire the room, but you, you could only curse your mind.

"Oh fuck"

The exterior and interior of the room didn't caught your attention, because the bed is the first thing you saw right after you enter inside.

" Only one bed ? " You asked the girl.

The girl look at you and nodded her head, earning another sigh from you for the hundredth times this day.

" You take the bed " You coldly said to Karina and before she could even ask why, you talk to the girl.

" I'll take another room by my money "

The girl look at Karina before looking at you. " I'm sorry maam but we're full. " she apologized.

" This is a luxury hotel yet there's only one bed in this room ? you're kidding me right " You chuckled in a pissed tone.

Karina who's watching your actions frowned.

This isn't like you, that's what she thought, though ofcourse she knows why you want to sleep on a another room. Heck, exes sleeping in the same bad ?

That's ridiculous.

" I'm sorry maam but we can't do anything. We're really full and this room is reserved for that coupon. " The girl added.

" Ok. " You simply said before entering more inside the room to place your luggage on the side of the bed while Karina did the same but in the opposite one.

You don't know why are you so glad that you and Karina finally left the room on your way to eat lunch.

You didn't even bother to make a conversation with her, not even a simple Hi or Hello, but well right, why would you greet the person who broke up with you for no reason ?

And now that you're suddenly eating lunch.

Karina tried to ignored the thought that the atmosphere around the table is awkward, you eating infront of her so calm and so unbothered, while she,

She's nervous.

Just by seeing you using that fork and knife aggressively to cut the meat makes her gulp for having a thought, you wouldn't kill her with those, right ?

" Why aren't you eating ? "

You've noticed that Karina is not even touching the food on her plate.

Karina gaze up at your direction quickly upon hearing you speak, but heck she didn't catch what did you say. " What ? What did you say ? " she look at you with confusion.

You shake your head and didn't even bother to repeat what you said and just continued eating.

But no matter how much you tried to ignore her you just can't, especially if the screeching sound of a plate is heard right from her direction.

You drop your fork and look at her.

" You're trained to hold knife yet you can't even slice a piece of meat ? "

You frowned and Karina looked at you once again.

" I- "

" Give me that. " You coldly said before she could even talk.

Karina look at you with more confusion. " Give you what ? "

" Your plate. " You simply answered. " I'll slice it, it's annoying seeing you not close enough to finish eating while me I'm almost done and ready to leave "

Karina didn't dare to not accept the offer, she quickly slide  her plate to you including the knife.

And so you started slicing it into bite pieces, but while you're in the middle of doing it.

You're not blind to not see that Karina Yu is staring while smiling.

" Stop smiling. It's annoying. "

But Karina didn't stop even if she heard what you said, so you sigh and just let her.

Karina Continued staring with a smile, Damn, she can't believe that she let go this girl infront of her, that she broke up with you and that she just lost her happiness back then.

But thinking about the reason why, Karina sighs and you heard it.

" Here. " You slide the plate back to her.

" Thankyouu " She smiles and you nodded your head as answer.

" After we eat we're going to Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto " she look at you and listen. " So better prefer your feet and legs. I don't want to carry someone down the stairs nor up the stairs. "

Now that gives Karina an idea.

Though she don't know if it'll work but she hopes it is.


cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now