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" Why are we staring at each other ? " You asked earning a laugh from the other.

You and Karina just got back at the hotel around 12 a.m and now here you are, laying beside each other on a single freaking bed.

Both of you were looking at each other, longingly.

" You started it " Karina snickered.

You and Karina keep staring at one another despite feeling the awkwardness around the room. You stayed like that for maybe half an hour right now.

Just staring, no other noises.

" Are you still sick ? "

You frowned, you almost forgot you still have a fever, you only remember now about your health.

Putting your hand on your neck to feel the temperature, you hissed when it's still hot.

You gave her a nod as an answer.

" You still have ? Maybe tomorrow that'll be gone " Karina wasn't given a reply until another minute passed. She knows your answer isn't on a verbal form but rather through a physical one. 

You slowly close your eyes trying to drift yourself to sleep when you felt yourself getting sleepy.

Today is a tiring day.

But then, Before you could even drift yourself into a deep one.

You felt arms on your waist pulling you closer, You quickly opened your eyes and look at the culprit but you weren't able to do so not when your face is already below her chin.

Her chin resting on the top of your head as she sneak her other hand under you to embrace you fully.

Karina caresses your back, slowly and calmly.

" Don't say anything " Karina must've felt that you were about to speak. " Just for a few minutes, please.. Let's stay like this "

You bit your lower lip.

You want to push her away, but the other part of you is telling you to let her hold you like this, just like how she always hold you back then.

But this action of Karina, just confuses you more.

She left, No, She decided to left and end things with you, but now, her actions speaks the opposites.

You're not assuming or something, but why does it look like Karina wants you back ?

" Okay. " You breathed out and just close your eyes before you could even think about something that'll just bother your mind.

The coldness around the area and the room hasn't disappeared, it's still there.

But you don't feel cold, you don't feel sick, Karina feels the same, she can't feel the coldness to the point it makes her thinks she's not Baguio.

It feels so warmth.

But it's odd isn't it ? Why are you cuddling with your ex ? Why is Karina cuddling with her ex ?

But, It feels so right..

" Karina " You called her name, the latter replied with a hum as she continued caressing your back, her other hand already brushing your hair by her fingertips, and,

cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now