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With a cup of hot coffee on her hand. Karina stared blankly outside.

She haven't had enough of sleep after on the things that happened last night, actually she don't know if she sleep or not. Her eyes are closed but she feels awake.

" Hey "

Karina felt a tap on her shoulder wakening her back to her senses. She blinks her eyes and look who is it. It was Yeji holding a plate up offering her a bread.

Karina gave her a small smile and shook her head before taking a sip at her now cold coffee.

Damn, she space out that long for her hot coffee to get cold.

" Do you want us to go back at Manila now and not stay for another day ? " Giselle brought up a topic that they talk about last night.

Karina already knows they're staying for another day and ofcourse she knows it's Beomgyu's idea.

She looks at her and put the cup down. " I can stay, but if you guys want to you can go home first "

" There's no way we're leaving you " NingNing smiles at her, Giselle and Yeji nodded their heads in agreement, Karina appreciates it.

She thought, What could happen to her if she don't have them ?

" For now, Let's not think about what happened " Yeji speaks after taking a bite on the bread. " It's hard, Yeji " Karina response their gazes are back to her.

" But I'll try " She breathed out, and before one of them could speak.

Giselle and NingNing saw a group of people entering inside the door far from them. " They're here " Giselle mumbles and since Yeji and Karina are facing their backs to that direction.

They turn their heads to see who is it.

They saw you, Ryujin, Winter, Yena and Yuna walking beside each other. You on their Middle while the four are at the sides as if they were protecting you from something.

All of you saw them and you didn't even dare to look at their table.

The five of you only did when you're going to pass by their table, you didn't look at Karina instead you look at Yeji. You knows what happened last night because the four told you so.

" Ryujin.. " Yeji called her name.

Ryujin stop walking beside their table making you and the others to stop too.

There are no words exchange only gazes, and once you met Giselle's and Ningning's you bit your lower lip and turned your head away from them.

There's that pitiful gazes again.

Ryujin look at her lover, she only look for a second and when their eyes met. She quickly look away and walk again completely walking passed their table.

They watched all of you to sit on a table place at the corner a little far from them.

Yeji look away and let out a sigh.

" I'm sorry.. " Karina patted her shoulder. Yeji look at her and forced a smile before shaking her head. " It's not your fault "  she assures her.

But Karina being not convinced about it, just simply nodded her head as they Continued eating breakfast and at every second that passed.

They would keep stealing glance at your directions.

cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now