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" It's time.. " Karina breathed out before pulling Yeji.

After your live performance, all of you decided to walk around again, and here you are on a accessory store looking for things.

Yeji look at Karina with confusion when suddenly she pulled her away from the store.

" I'm going to ask her now, don't leave us, okay ? " Karina began and Yeji get that already so she nodded her head as an answer.

" Where are you going though ? "

Karina bit her lower lip, actually she already have a place on her mind but thinking that you're not just going there to eat makes her anxious.

" Café "

Yeji frowned. " Café ? seriously ? what if you'll slap her or she'll slap you that'll be a big mess "

With that, Karina furrowed her eyebrows. " Do you want me to slap you instead ? "

Yeji let out a nervous chuckle, she was just joking when she said that but who knows ? there might be is. " I'm just making you less more nervous "

" Thankyou Yeji, but I can handle "

" I know, but if something happens don't even think twice to approach me or anyone to us "

Karina gave her a smile. " Thankyou Yeji "

After the quick talk she had with Yeji, Karina approaches you on the bracelet section while Yeji watch her carefully afraid that her friend might trip or something embarrassing.

" Let's go ? "

You heard a voice coming behind you. You let go of the chain bracelet you're holding and look at her.

You know who owns that voice.

" okay. I've been waiting " You spoke once you met her eyes.

You've been waiting for this the whole day, the whole time you're here in Baguio and for four years.

You've been always waiting.

" I know. Thankyou " She gave you a smile and you nodded your head.

" But where are we going ? " You asked before looking at the others who's still are looking around the store.

" There's a café near here, we could just walk "

" okay " You shortly responsed and for Karina that's not new she already expected that before and maybe after the talk ?

Karina motioned you that she'll just going to tell the others that you're leaving together, you gave her a nod so she started walking, but before she could walk further you called her name.

" Karina "

She looks at you waiting for what you'll say.

" I'll wait you outside "

She nodded her head before facing infront again only for her to look back at you when you called
her name again.

" Karina "

" Verna " She called back.

You look at her emotionlessly. " chances are slim but I really want us to end on good terms "

cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now