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" Okay so.. " Karina began once she and Yeji are now away from the others, they're standing at the other edge of the rooftop.

Yeji look at her and waited.

" I told Verna last night to give me time till tomorrow for me to answer all the questions she had, everything that she wants to know " Karina looked at Yeji. " But I don't know how to do it ? where I should start ? "

Yeji furrowed her eyebrows at her friend's question. " Ha ? Why are you asking me ? you should know it because YOU'RE the one who knows it, because YOU'RE the one who left "

Karina gave her a glare when her friend reminds her about it, but Yeji just shrugged it off, she's right after all.

" You should start it from where everything started, that's how it MIGHT works " Yeji suggested before resting her arms at the railings.

Karina let out a sighed making Yeji to look at her. " It's easier to say than to do. I'm afraid Yeji. " she look back at her.

" What if she won't understand it ? What will happened ? what will be the outcome ? We don't know if she'll forgive or she'll despite me "

" Why do you care ? " A very serious question coming out of Yeji's mouth that confuses the latter.

" What do you mean ? " Karina frowned.

" What is it to you ? " Yeji asked. " it's been four years that you're not together. What is it to you if she won't understand it ? if she'll get mad ? " Yeji look away.

" Why do you care for the outcome ? you only want closure right ? "

Karina frowned more. " I can't understand you, Yeji. " and she really can't.

It was Yeji's turn to sighed, " What do you want to happen after your talk ? " she look at her. " Be honest with me, Karina. " Her voice turns into a serious one.

" Is there a part of you.. " she paused. " even just a little.. " she raised her right hand and showed her thumb and pointer finger showing her how little that is. " Hoping that you'll be back together ? "

Karina remained silent, she was dumbfounded at her friend's straight question. " Ha ? "

" Do you still love her ? "

" What question is that ? " Karina looked away to Yeji quickly and divert her gaze to nowhere, like the roof of the houses far from her position.

" What ? It makes sense though " Yeji shrugged and chuckled a little. " If you're not expecting to happen in your relationship with her then you won't had a hard time right now. "

" It's the aftermath, Karina. "

After that, Karina became more silent, so Yeji decided to speak again and take the chance.

" Listen to me, as a very good best friend I'll give you an advance "

" and that is ? "

" And that is for you to think carefully at your closure tomorrow. Sort out what you feel, it's need, and it's for your feelings sake too. We don't know maybe by tomorrow you're hoping that you'll be together, and that she'll forgive you " Yeji shrugs.

cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now