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" What are you doing here ? It's late already "

Ryujin heard a familiar voice coming from her back. She didn't dare to look who is it, she knows who's the culprit after all.

" I should be asking the same thing to you " Ryujin looks at you. " What are you doing here ? why are you still not sleeping ? "

It's so late already but still the rain continues to fall, good thing is their rooftop had a roof.

" Can't sleep. " You simply answered.

Ryujin nodded her head as a response. " I can't sleep too "

Second of silence.

You look at Ryujin's direction when you heard a sigh coming from her.

" Are you and Yeji still not good ? "

She looks at you when you ask that, and again a sigh escape on her lips, so you thinks that's the answer to your question.

" Yeah.. " Ryujin sadly smile. " I don't know if I can talk to her.   "

" You should settle things with her now "

" How's your cheek btw ? " You giggles earning a hit from the shoulder coming from her, you whined. The fact that she plays baseball shows that she have a heavy hand.

Ryujin chuckled too.

Caressing your shoulder that she hit you look at her who had a small smile formed on her lips. " Ryujin "

She look at you waiting for what you'll say.

" I appreciate what you'd done for me but please sometimes try to hold you anger " You giggles but for Ryujin she's confused why are you giggling. " I saw the punch on Karina's side lip and it was badly hurt "

This time, It was Ryujin's turn to chuckle. " Sorry about that, your ex pissed the hell out of me "

You patted her shoulder and smile.

You know how protective your friends can be and what Ryujin did to Karina proves it.

Another second of silence.

This time it was Ryujin's turn to break it with a very random question.

" Do you believe that everyone deserves a second chance ? "

Your eyes widened in shocked. " You and Yeji broke up ?! " You speak in a loud voice.

With that, Ryujin hit your head. " Ow! " You gave her a glare.

" Idiot we didn't " She chuckles.

" Then why are you asking ? "

" Just.. " She stop in hesitation. " Just want to know your opinion " She look at you and smiles and for you, you find that weird.

No, Ryujin is really weird.

" second chances are a matter of great forgiveness, trust and a wound to the ego " You began and actually they're weirding you out.

Earlier you answered Karina's random question and now, Ryujin's.

" maybe giving someone a second chance depends on what they did ? " You unsurely said. " I mean if what you did is not hard to forgive, like you did it intentionally then why would you give that person a second chance ? That person knows she or he is about to do a mistake yet she or he still did it "

cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now