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The whole duck ride with you and Karina was pure quiet, sometimes she would try to make a conversation but it the end it always ends in a short one.

And now all of you are standing infront of a stoll when the girls decided to eat street foods out of nowhere.

Looking at Karina when the girl is still not holding any food on her hands, you sigh quietly.

You and the others have been eating different kind of street foods yet there she is standing behind all of you, just looking at the food being serve.

You have no plans approaching her, but well right now you're already standing infront of her.

" You like street foods now, right ? "

Karina nodded her head, somehow she's glad you still know some information about her back then. She remembers she don't eat street food but when you make her try it for the first time.

She started liking it.

" Then why are you not eating ? " sounds like you're concern for her.

" I'm on a diet " She sadly smiles.

" Okay. " You simply response before walking back to the others.


That hurts the hell out of her.

Damn, she expected you'll force her just like what you always do when she won't do something or eat something she likes.

But then, reality hits her.

That was many years ago, and now you're not together anymore.

Finally back at the hotel, after eating and walking around. You swipe the card and open the door to enter inside.

Earlier you were just relieved that both of you are finally back but then you remember the bed. You realized you should be that relieved right now.

" Where are you going ? " Karina asked, noticing that you're walking back to the door.

You open the door and stopped to answer her, " Ryujin and Yeji's room " and with that you close the door, without waiting for her answer, again.

Karina could only sighed and take a shower so she can go at the rooftop to spend the night.

Knocking on the couple's door, once it opens you look at the two seriously.

" Exchange room with me " You look at Ryujin.

" Yeahh nopee " She chuckled, you then look at Yeji who just shake her head and have the same answer to Ryujin. " Nope.  "

" Why nOoot ? " You whined.

" Because we don't want to. " Ryujin smiles.

" What kind of reason is that ? " You rolled your eyes at them. " It's our last night today for the coupon, so please ? "

The two looked at each other. " About that.. " Yeji chuckled nervously. " We forgot to informed you and Karina that we'll be staying for two more days "

" What ?! "

Waiting for the elevator to stop, you crosses your arms and leaned your back at the steal.

cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now