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After coming back to your senses.

You cleared your throat and face the ramyeon infront of you, The ramyeon that Karina picks.

"B-be careful. It's super spicy " You warned the latter who seems ready to taste what hell taste like.

" N-no I'm good. I enjoy spicy food. I love spicy food. " sounds like she's convincing you that she do likes it. So instead of questioning that, you decided to just eat too.

And once Karina put that Noodles inside her mouth soaked with the spicy soup seasoning.

The same thing happened to her.

Karina coughs facing the other side and that makes you to stop eating and grab the bottled water where you drank earlier and gave it to her.

" Are you okay ? " You asked her.

" It's not because it's spicy " Karina answered so out of the question you asked. " It's not spicy at all " she then coughed again.

You look away and bit your lower lip trying to surpress a chuckle, laugh, nor smile.

She's so obvious after all.

" Here Drink some water " You look back at her and extend your hand that's holding the bottle which ofcourse Karina quickly grab and drink.

" You sure it's not spicy ? " This time you failed to not let out a chuckle.

Karina look at you and close the lid of the bottle before nodding her head. " Yeah. I just coughed maybe because It's my First time eating something spicy again "

Now that sounds defensive to you.

" Yeah whatever you say " You chuckles earning a smile from her.

You then started eating her ramyeon again and you noticed how she's hesitant to take another on the spicy ramyeon. " Do you wanna trade it back again ? " You push the ramyeon to her direction.

" No, Im good " She push the ramyeon back to you.

You nodded your head. " Let's just share. Tell me if you want some " you informed the latter.

Karina smiled more widely.

The little things again.

And so, both of you started eating while continuing to talk randomly and sharing ramyeon with each other.

Actually you two find it weird but not awkward.

Who the heck shares ramyeon with their exes ? maybe you two. But well why would you not ? somehow you're still friends after all.

" Do you believe in fate ? or destiny ? " Karina randomly asked while both of you continued eating.

Somehow she get a hang of it's spiciness.

You stopped and look at her, It took you a minute to answer her question since you're thinking how to answer it.

You shake your head as an answer which earns a frown from her. " Many of us believe in fate because it offers us comfort and security. When bad events occur, fate tells us that this is all part of a greater plan. This gives our tragedies meaning. "

" But I think we write what our fate is " you shrugs unsure of your answer too.

" How about fate in love ? " Karina randomly asked again, actually she have no plan asking this, but since she's curious on what will you think she decided to asked.

cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now