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With the foods, balloons, and any other birthdays stuffs and decorations place on Giselle's house, you sighed.

Your friends definitely planned a surprise.

Six days after all of you went to Baguio after that you didn't even see a single one of them as if they planned to surprise you this day.

Opening the gate, once you step inside you tried to be not startled with the party popper Chan just pop out.

As far as you don't want surprises, you gave them a wide smile. You appreciates the efforts, everything, even just their presences around are already enough for you.

Just, How lucky are you to have them.

And so the party finally started.

Actually it's not your birthday yet. Tomorrow is.

But since they know you hate celebrating birthdays, not that you hate, you just don't want to celebrate it saying that it'll just last 24 hours.

Though they keep saying to you that time is gold. Next Year you won't turn 19, 20, nor 21 again.

Everything is already set, your friends are all here including the student councils back then, but looks like something,

someone's missing.

" Are you looking for Karina ? "

You heard a voice coming from your back.

You're at Giselle's kitchen grabbing some sweets like macarons while moving your eyes around as if you're looking for someone.

" Huh ? " You look at your back and saw Winter. " No. Why would I look at her ? "

" You're obvious " Winter chuckles. " Ever since you arrive you've been looking around. " grabbing some skewers Winter lean her back at the counter while looking at you.

" If you want to know- "

" No I don't " You cut her.

" Okay Okay " Winter chuckles and raise her hand in defeat. " But well even if you don't I'll still tell you " She put her both hands down. " We invited Karina to come here but Yeji said she's busy and that she have stuffs to do " Winter shrugs.

" I don't care " You simply response before eating.

" Do you really don't care ? "

Once you look at Winter, she have this small smirk on her lips and a judging gaze. If she's not your friend you could have throw the macarons you're eating right now.

" What do you mean ? " You frowned.

Winter smiles at your question. " C'mon you're obvious. " She pointed the empty skewers at your direction. " We all know you still like Karina and the other also feels the same "

You remained silent.

" Am I wrong ? about it ? " Winter gave you a challenging look.

You just look at her and didn't bother to answer the question, Damn, you know Winter is messing up with you but why does it look like she's making you realized something you don't know.

After a long silence, You and Winter look at your backs when someone talk.

" They want to play games " Chaeryoung said with a smile. Winter gave her a smile while you gave her a nod so Chaeryoung decided to leave.

" Did you enjoy this party ? "

You look at the girl who just sat beside you. You're at the edge of the pool soaking your both feets on the water.

" Yeah, Thankyou for this party, but you know you don't have to set this " You smiles.

Giselle hummed before doing the same on what you're doing. She put her both feets on the cold water and she didn't expect it to be this cold making her to squel.

You shook your head and played with the water.

" Where's the others ? " You noticed that there are no any laughters or their voices can be hear around.

" Knock out " Giselle chuckles.

A minute of silence after that.

Giselle started to get sleepy too but despite the tiredness and dizziness she's feeling she was able to read the time on her watch.

" Happy Birthday "

With the sudden mention of those words, you look at Giselle who's smiling at you with her eyes already half closed.

" Thank you, Giselle " You chuckled when suddenly after that she already passed out.

Good thing is she didn't fall infront where the water is.

Carefully standing as you step out your foot on the pool. You gently carry Giselle inside and lay her beside NingNing.

All of them are now pass out at the living room and only you are the only one left standing.

You smile seeing all your friends adorable even the boys are already sleeping too.

Looks like they enjoy the party more than you do.

Finally leaving Giselle's house after telling her maids to watch over you and the others.

You drive your way to your house.

You remember you still need to pack your luggage for this morning flight.

Letting out a sigh after checking the time it's already 11 in the evening, one more hour then it'll your birthday. Though that doesn't matter to you now.

Because right now, you're thinking about the talk you had with Winter earlier.

"C'mon you're obvious"

"We all know you still like Karina and the other also feels the same"

You're asking the same thing to you.

Do you ?

really ?

still like ?

Karina ?


cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now