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After leaving outside the car that the travel agency prepared and that is also included to the coupon you looked at your back and saw that girl.

" Hurry up, Karina " You ordered the girl and Karina can't believe it.

Back then she was the one who always orders you around and you will follow it quickly, but now the tables turned quickly. She's now the one getting ordered to.

You just finished eating lunch yet here you are planning to reach the end of this hundred step stairs.

Who's idea was it all ?

It's you.

Karina gave out a loud sigh, a very loud one that you were able to hear though she does it intentionally.

Karina is already tired.

She's stuck in the middle of this long stair. She doesn't even know what the heck comes into your mind to visit here.

Did you just went here to make her suffer from what she did ?

" Your ex can't take it anymore " Karina mumbled to herself.

" What are you sighing so loud for ? " You glanced her with your eyebrows furrowed before Continuing to walk up the damn stairs. " Just walk up. "

" I'm sorry eh?! What if these stairs are hundredths! " Karina shouted while running, trying to catch you up.

Heck, she don't know why are you climbing so fast, you seems not tried at all.

You stopped and look at her who's now 5 steps of stairs away from you, by the way she breathe you can tell she run. " You're so weak. " You rolled your eyes at her.

Karina scoffed and rolled her eyes back at you. Damn, she's the one who always does that, Why are you now ?

You ignore her and started walking again.

Good thing is there are not so many people here.
It'll be very embarrassing if they witnessed two exes arguing and pissing off each other.

Finally, after four years.

Karina finally reached the end of the stairs while you, you're just there under the tree back leaned while arms are crossed probably waiting for her to finally come up.

Karina ignored you and leaned to the railings to look at the view.

It's breathaking.

The light of the sun and the fog are blending together. It creates a cinematic scenery that you will only see up here.

Somehow Karina thinks, that the hard work she did to reach the top isn't that bad. Because she was welcomed by a beautiful scenery infront of her.

You sighed before deciding to step out under of the tree.

You just took a break for a while since you admit that, that's tiring.

You approaches Karina from behind and when you were about to speak.

You closed your mouth when she mumbled something.

" It's so pretty and it's more prettier since I'm with the girl I love before till now.. "

You froze on your place clearly didn't expect that coming from her.

cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now