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" Come out now " You spoke in a little loud voice. " Don't wait me to approach you and drag you here "

The person who you're talking about, flinched.

Damn, she got caught, so since she already got caught in defeat she decided to showed up herself and approach you with her trembling hand.

"Is she going to get mad ?" , Karina thought.

" You know that it's bad to eavesdrop, right ? " You asked once she's now standing beside you.

Karina look at you nervously. " I-i wasn't " she stuttered.

She don't know if she's nervous or what, or she's just flustered after hearing your answer to Ryujin's question.

Actually that wasn't part of a plan, She and Ryujin really didn't plan anything about what she asked. She herself was shocked too when Ryujin asked that and when Ryujin approach her earlier.

" Karina " You called her name in a little pissed tone. " You know I hate liars "

" That's why you hate me " She added making you to look at her. " Yeah I hate you. "

" I know " She chuckles trying to calm herself down. " and I hate you too "

You frowned. " What did I do now ? "

" Nothing " Karina smiles. " I just hate you for making me feel things I shouldn't feel again "

You remained silent.

" Are-n't you supposed to be sleeping right now ? " You cleared your throat, changing the topic to another.

" I was asking the same " She look at the view infront. " I seems have no plan to sleeping. I don't know why maybe because it's our last day here in Baguio "

somehow the awkwardness, disappears.

" Yeah.. " You agrees.

Even you have no plan leaving Baguio, In here you feel free, In Manila you feel lots of pain and burdens.

" Verna " Karina calls you after a second of silence.

You look at her waiting for what she'll say next.

" Thankyou.. somehow I enjoyed this vacation coupon " and she really do even if at first you two get along at the first day, Karina would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy every single thing both of you spend with.

And you would be lying too if you said you didn't enjoy a single thing about this. " I do too, Karina " You gave her a real smile. " I enjoy everything "

" glad to hear " She smiles back.

" Soo ? You did eavesdrop and you heard everything ? "

Karina stop breathing for a second before looking at you as she chuckles awkwardly. " Not all of it ? "

" So you do admit you eavesdrop ? "

She look at you with wide eyes. " I- " she stopped and look at you who's now raising her a brow. Well there's no point of her denying it, she freaking got caught.

" Okay fine I did " She sighs and the time you were about to speak, she talk first.

" But I didn't hear all of it and It wasn't intentionally. I was on my way to the rooftop too since I can't sleep but I didn't know you and Ryujin are there and since you look serious about talking something, I decided to listen " she sounded so defensive. " Well not all "

cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now