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Waking up by the loud whispers by someone, camera flashes and camera shutter clocks.

You open your eyes carefully trying to adjust yourself at the sunlight, and once you finally did.

Your eyes widened in shocked seeing, Yuna, Yena, Yeji, Ryujin, Giselle, Winter, and NingNing infront.

They're holding their phones and the camera was face to your direction.

And when you look at Ryujin about to ask why the hell are they here, she pointed her finger at the direction beside you and that's when you only realized, Karina.

Karina is scotted closer to you, her face is resting to your neck.

You look at the girl beside you and since you didn't expect that she'll be this close, you pushed Karina off of the bed earning a chuckle from them and a groan from the girl you pushed.

" What the heck ?! " Karina cursed while massaging her butt.

Damn, her butt fell first before her back.

" Aah! you idiots! "

You shouted throwing a pillow to your friends before running towards the bathroom without even glancing at Karina even once.

They chuckled and look at Karina who's at the floor, eyes are still sleepy.

What a goodmorning is that.

Yeji approach Karina and help her friend to stand and to sit on the bed.

Ryujin, Winter and Yuna are now at the other side of the door of the bathroom where you at.

While the rest are just laughing.

Heck, they thought, no, they know you're exes then why the hell are you sleeping so close to each other as if you were cuddling.

" You're leaving or We're going to break this door! " Winter shouted earning a laugh from them except Karina.

" Why the heck are you all even heree!!! " You shouted on the other side while sitting at the tiles.

Damn, you're embarrassed to go out.

" We were about to surprise you and Karina yet we're the one who's surprise " Yuna laughed.

" Get out of there and explain everything! " Ryujin chuckled.

While the rest who's at Karina are now laughing because of them and because of Karina.

At every shouts the three would did, Karina's ear would keep reddening and reddening.

" I have a fever! " You shouted.

" So ? This is your surprise ? " Karina finally talk after calming herself down.

" Yess " Yeji answered. Karina rolled her eyes at them. " you did tell me you would follow but I didn't expect that you're coming with her friends. "

NingNing chuckled. " It's actually the opposite girl "

The three who'd finally given up to make you leave the bathroom knock on the door multiple times.

cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now