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No one dared to say a word nor destroy the silence.

And for you and Karina, somehow that's great because both of you don't know what to say to each other once one dared to talk.

But somehow, Karina kind of like this silence. Because that means she wont talk with you. You wont speak to her.

You wont ask her.

Because the truth is, she's afraid.

Karina is getting nervous everytime you open your mouth to talk. She's nervous everytime you talk to her even if it's cold and short, because she's afraid where will your conversation going to.

She knows, you're curious about the thing she had done.

But now she's embarrassed to answer it if ever you ask her. Her reason sounds like she's selfish.

You sighed and gaze up at the sky before glancing at your watch to check the time.

" It's almost time for the sunset " You whispered.

" I'll call the driver now. "

You informed the girl beside you without even looking at her, Karina just hummed and continued to look around, as she wait for you to finish your talk with the driver.

And once the car finally arrived after minutes.

You and Karina decided to go back at the hotel, and now you and Karina are currently on top of the hotel after eating Early dinner.

Supposed to be you're the only one who's here.

But then you didn't know Karina have plan to do the same,

And that is to watch the sunset.

The view is so Simple.

The houses, the trees, the fogs, the buildings and the sunset.

Everything is simple and you like it.

It's so beautiful to the point you can't compare it to a picture just to define how beautiful the view Infront of you could be.

Your arms resting on the railings while they're clasped together, while Karina she's beside you doing the same thing, same position.

You don't know if she intended to do that but you don't care at all.

" Why are you so quiet ? "

You confusingly asks Karina.

You know Karina is not a type of person who enjoys silence yet right now, here she is, standing beside you with her mouth closed as if she don't want to open them any minute.

Karina nervously look at you before looking back infront. " Because I have nothing to say "

you frowned.

" there's nothing need to talk about " she added.

" Nothing ? " You asked in disbelief.

Karina nodded her head.
There's nothing to talk about, she keeps reminding herself, but that's for now, at least.

Silence took over again.

And since there's a lot of thoughts on your mind. You decided to call her name hoping she could answer a single thing.

cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now