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While you continued walking around with Karina following you from behind, you bit your lower lip when you heard her shouting again.

" My Shoes! Let's not go there "

You sighed, and look behind you, " So ? Is it my fault ? " She looked at you. " I didn't ask you if you want to come. You could just go somewhere alone. "

Karina look at her shoes before looking at you, " But I want to follow you. " She said.

You gave her a creepy smile.

" Then suffer. "

and with that you turn your back to her and started walking again completely avoiding those muds.

While Karina who's left alone, is now begging for the gods to give her patience to not push you on the mud.

She don't even know why the hell are you two on your way to pick some strawberries if you can just buy it out there or online.

" We could just buy out, for sure there's many people selling strawberries " Karina said once she was able to catch you up, Damn, she just run and her shoes are covered in mud, well she's not going to complain about it.

But heck,

She's wearing a freaking white shoes.

" It would be such a wasted opportunity. " You side eye her. " And what about experience ? "

" Yeah. Whatever you say. " Karina rolled her eyes in defeat before fetching her phone on her pocket.

" Take a picture of me then " she extend her hand that's holding her phone to you.

You frowned and decided to just grab her phone to take a picture of her.

Ofcourse you're not that rude, you do appreciate that she's still following you around even if her shoes is at mercy.

" C'mon! Take a picture properly! " Karina shouted once again after minutes of you taking a picture of her.

You rolled your eyes and grab her phone. She just finished looking at the photos you'd taken and all she can say is that "it's not nice", "blurry", "bad angle". Like that.

And you being a lawyer are debating to her about the pictures being taken nicely.

So instead of arguing with her again, you gave her an understanding look and raise her phone to get ready, again.

Karina started posing and smiling at the camera and you being her so called photographer this day have nothing to do but to click that shutter button.

Once it's done, Karina approaches you and you gave her her phone before looking around but only for you to look back at the girl infront of you. Damn, these people are looking at you and Karina.

While Karina is busy looking at the pictures that well now satisfies her, she stopped when both of you heard something from afar.

" Babe! Oh. Look at them! Her girlfriend is so understanding!! why won't you be like her ? "

You and Karina look where the voice came from and there you saw a girl hitting her girlfriend.

cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now