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You don't know how.

You don't know why.

But being with Karina again, alone. Feels so awkward to you right now.

You just talk to each other last night, yet here you are stuck on a store while the rain continues dropping. Heck, you don't know where the others are.

They said they'll just go somewhere and buy stuffs and that they'll go back quickly yet no one to them have go back.

" They said they're at the hotel already " Karina cleared her throat. Yeji just message her that all of them are at the hotel already including Beomgyu.

" Great " You sighed. " They definitely planned this " you assumes.

Karina look at you and for a second, she realized once again how coward she is. She's too coward. Who would dare to left a person who didn't do anything but to love and understand her ?

Maybe Karina is the first one who does that ?

" I have an umbrella. You can use it "

You heard her said, looking beside you when you saw a hand holding an umbrella infront of you.

You shake your head.

" Use it. I'll just wait till the rain stops or I'll just grab a cab or taxi " You look back at the road.

Karina bit her lower lip as she remembers what Beomgyu said.

"she still loves you"

"she cares for you"

She quickly shake her head and just put the umbrella back to her small bag. If you're not leaving then she won't too, it's late already.

" It's late already. I can't even see vehicles passing infront of us " She spoke.

With that, You check the time on your watch and sigh it's really late and it's true that there are no enough vehicles passing infront.

The road is just infront of you, and the fact that it's raining, it's either you wait or get rained again.

" Why aren't you leaving ? " You confusingly asked. She have her umbrella why won't she leave. " You have umbrella with you "

Karina look at you and chuckles, now that confuses you.

Last night she's wasted, hurt and crying, but now she have the strength to chuckle no matter what. So you thinks, maybe that isn't a big thing to her.

But looks like Karina had read your mind.

" You might be thinking that what happened last night is nothing to me, It still hurts but I'm trying to be better "

You look at her and she just chuckled again while shaking her head.

" To answer your question " she paused. " I rather stay here with you. It's dangerous if you're alone "  she explains and well you agrees with it.

So you simply nodded your head, and since it's rainy day you smiles and check the road if there's a near convenient store and you're glad there's a 7 11 near by.

" I'm going to go buy ice cream. Do you want to come with me ? "

Ofcourse you're not heartless to offer her, and Karina definitely didn't expect that. She look at you with wide eyes while you waits for her answer.

cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now