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" Verna's finally back!! " Ryujin shouted once they saw you walking at the hallway towards you and Karina's hotel room.

You gave them a wave.

" Let'ssss gooo! " Yeji shouted as she reach for Ryujin's hand with ready to leave with so much excitement. " Excited ? " Ryujin chuckled and stop Yeji from walking away.

" Yeah " Yeji smiles before looking at all of you. " I. We. haven't had the chance to experience the night market here "

All of you agrees.

" Oh please stop flirting infront of us " Karina who just left the room and locked the door, said.

You and the others look at her.

" You're just envy " Ryujin stuck her tongue out of her earning a glare from the latter. " Verna flirt with her " All of them look at you when Ryujin said that.

You look at Karina and gave her a meaningful gaze before nodding. " Sure, come here, love "

Ops, no one didn't see that coming.

Karina remained silent, while the others started chuckling, she eyes you seriously as if she was asking what the hell are you doing, but you who's liking her actions just shake your head.

" I'm loving this " Yena laughs.

" Anyways, What now ? Let's goo ? " Yuna who's now taking the lead, asked.

You and the others nodded your heads. " I'll drive the van, Verna and Karina will use Yeji and Ryujin's car " Giselle said making you to stop walking.

" What ? "

They heard you said, so they stopped too.

" Why are we driving their car ? they can just use it while me and Karina will ride in your van " You look at Giselle with so much confusion.

But in the end, she didn't answer your question, they just chuckled and continued walking without even explaining why.

Once all of you arrived at the night market everyone's eyes sparkled at the things every vendors are selling.

Especially your friends who likes buying cheap clothes are now looking around while Tell theirselves to calm down before they could go back at Manila without no any money left to them.

Everyone is loving the vibe around.

All of you are now infront of a small clothing store, their eyes and mind occupied and focused on the things they find beautiful, unique and interesting.

Karina is looking through accessories one by one, meanwhile you, you're just away at them, at the corner, not even moving your hands and only using your eyes to scan the clothes and whatnots displayed.

It's not that you doesn't like shopping for clothes, in fact, you loves it.

However, your mind is too bothered with what will happen tomorrow, that was only a few hours from now.

The closure both of you wanted will end sooner than you thought.

But then,

Your thoughts was stopped by a deep and teasing voice of a girl whispering at your right ear.

cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now