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" Good evening Ma'am! May I take your orders ? "

After saying your orders you and Karina chose to sit in a table beside the large window. " Thank you for the treat " Karina said, you look at her and nodded your head.

Silence again.

" Why are you staring ? Do you like me ? "

Your eyes widened in shocked as you look away quickly, you almost chocked on your own saliva when Karina said that.

Imagine there was a pure silence then suddenly you're getting to destroy that with a word "Why are you staring ? Do you like me ?"

What kind of question is that ?

Though, the thing is you really are staring at her, you just didn't noticed you were.

" Heck you're saying ? " You frowned.

" Well, I'm beautiful " you saw her fix her hair at your peripheral vision. " So maybe you like me ? again ? "

You remained silent.

As far as you can remember You and Karina didn't drank any alcohol or wine today for her to act like this, you don't know if she's drink or what.

and you're glad you were save by the waitress placing your orders on the table.

Once she left, Karina said something.

" Feed me "

You frowned more and take a sip on your drink and eyed her with confusion, her lips pouting while her pointed finger is pointing at the slice cake infront of you.

The time when you were about to answer that, Karina speak first " Joke, Unless.. "

You sent her a glare only to make her laugh.

" You might be the one who like me again " You spoke and her eyes widened in shocked but then it immediately turned mischievous.

You don't know why, but the atmosphere between you is lighter and not heavy than before.

Instead of answering your question, Karina just smiled and take a sip on her drink still eyeing that cake the whole time even when you're already eating it.

The awkwardness disappear, you just Continued eating since Karina didn't bought any to eat aside from a drink.

You notice how she wants it and you don't know why the hell she didn't order for herself.

" You want ? " You raises the fork with a piece of cake at the end.

Karina nodded her head and pouts.

" How pity, you don't have one " You teased her as you tried to stiffle a giggle and unfortunately, you failed.

" Okay " She rolled her eyes.

You shake your head before putting that cake inside your mouth to put another piece at the end. " Oh " You said, handing over the fork to her. " Why did you only buy drink though ? "

Karina looked at the fork, but she didn't grab it. " Because you already bought one "

" So ? "  You frowned.

" So, I thought we'll share " Karina answered straightly.

you frowned once again, " So feed me " She repeated before taking that cake on the fork with you still holding the fork.

cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now