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" So ? Why do you look so sad, Karina ? " You repeated.

Karina sighs as she took a deep breath ready to say what are one of the reason why she's sad, aside from what happened to you and her back then.

" It's just.. this place " She began.

" This place is too much for me. You remember that Dad cheated on Mom right ? " she looks at you waiting for you to say a yes or receive a nod.

And when she did, she smiles before looking back infront. " This place is where they spend most of their time together before Dad cheated to Mom. They were happy so happy " she remembers. " But a day come where the happiness became sadness. " she sighs.

And as far as you remember, this is the first time Karina opened up after the breakup.

" sorry for intruding. " You said.

" It's fine. I don't have anyone to talk about my parents though. " she chuckled.

" Anyone ? " you frowned.

" What about your friends ? Didn't you tell them ? "

" They know Ofcourse. " she paused. " but I don't want to add up the problems they have. "

You frowned more, " You know they won't think like that. "

" I know. " Karina chuckles. " But I still don't like it. " she looks at you. " so please listen to me instead... "

You froze, didn't know what to say didn't know how to react.

Just the way.

The way she said that sentence lastly gives you double meaning.

A very meaningful one.

" I'll try. " You simply said before facing your back at her to avoid her gaze.

You bit your lower lip trying surpress a loud sigh. You closed your eyes and think again more quietly this time. You can say no at what she said.

But you can't, not that you can't, it's just you won't.

You want to know what's bothering her, and something inside you is against the thought of not listening to her.

She's still Karina. Your Yu Jimin, but back then.

You can't just ignore the girl like you don't know her at all. How could you do that ? Only weak people does that.

"so ? what happened ? how did she ended up on top of you ?"

Giselle asked you on the other line.

Right now, you're outside of your room back leaned on the wall beside the door. You decided to call Giselle what happened once you open your eyes this morning.

And that is,

Karina Yu, on top of you. When you opened your eyes, her face greeted you.

"I dont know, Giselle. I literally just woke up and her eyes greeted mine. She was just as shocked and confused as I was"

cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now