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" It's been nothing but three years for you so you might think that I'm weak and that I don't know how to wait. " you paused. " But I did. I did wait for three years for your explanation. "

Karina don't know what she'll say.

She can see you badly wants to talk about it, but how about her ? What if she still don't want to ? What if she don't want to ?

" That's not the re-ason " She finally speak.

" I know. " You looked away.

" That was a joke obviously, but you do have reason after all. " You added in a bitterness tone. " During those times, I couldn't help but to think of hundreds of reasons why you did it ? and that you just left because you're tired and whatsoever. "

" It's not li- "

" Hoy! You two planned to stay a year there ? "

You and Karina look infront when you heard someone shouted.

It was Winter.

You two didn't even noticed you already stopped walking. Karina turned to you only to see you walking faster to your friends up front.

" I'm sorry if I'm scared. " Karina mumbles to herself. " this will fix nothing, not that I'm expecting us to be back to what we were back then. "

" But at least, I hope the pain that I caused will lessen.. "


Your friends shouted out loud completely getting some of the peoples reaction.

You look down at the ground in embarrassment, while the rest just laughed at them.

" I want to go to that duck ride " Giselle said when the others started agreeing. " We can go there later when it's dark already it's more enjoying on that time. " NingNing commented and ofcourse they agreed too.

Taking a glance at Karina who's standing walking beside Winter.

You noticed the sadness on her face and that makes you pissed again but somehow worried at the same time too.

And now on your way to the roller skate rink.

Once you arrived everyone started finding their shoe sizes and unfortunately Karina is trying her skate beside you, while you're doing the same.

Karina bit her lower lip and looked away.

You're just literally tying the lace but why does she find it attractive ?

And when everyone is done, all of you step inside the rink.

You who waited for them to get inside first, tried to hold the laugh when they started falling at their first step which ended up for them to hold onto the railings to find their balance.

" Loserss "

They look at you when they heard you said that but only to see you stucking your tongue out of them before stepping the rink.

They were amazed, you didn't even held into the railings, you just skate right through the center freely.

Since they were envy at you, they all did the same but only for them to fall on their butts before they could even reach the center.

cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now