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Karina gulped the time you whispered that, and was about to answer it, when suddenly she felt your forehead on her shoulder.

" H-Hey " she tapped you multiple times but you just grunted. " Verna ? "

When she didn't received any response Karina pulled you away from her to see your face, and your half-lidded eyes greeted her.

She frowned as she pressed the back of her hand on your forehead.

The tension earlier has now completely dissipated.

" You're burning up " she pulled her hand back.

" Huh ? "

" I said you're burning up. You have a fever " Karina hissed.

You shookes your head and gave her a thumbs up, but yeah, since you're drunk you mistakenly raised your pinky finger making Karina to hold her laugh with that.

" I'm Okay "

Karina raised her eyebrow with that. " You're obviously not. C'mon let's go back to our room. The song is over anyway. "

You were about to protest but before you could, Karina pulled you away from the venue.

She knows it's rude to leave without saying to the couple but what could she do when they're obviously busy with the other guests.

Besides, you're sick.

Once you and Karina arrived inside the room with Karina struggling to keep you standing.

She quickly walk to the bed together with you and pushed you slowly there. You're not heavy than she thought but you're not lighter than she thought too.

Karina grab a basin that she requested.

She didn't waste a time to pour a hot water on it and grab some towel that was given by the hotel. She knows how to take care of someone's who's sick, but well since it's you.

It's nothing new to her.

" I'm going to wipe now " Karina informed the tipsy, you.

But you won't cooperate.

Everytime you feel that hot water, you would always move and avoid it.

" Maybe you have plans waking up, Just maybe " She talked and she's glad that you stopped moving away.

Damn, she came here for a vacation not to take care of a 3 year old kid.

But well who is she to complain ?

Finally after few battles with you, she's already done wiping your arms and your face.

And the fact that she's planning to change your clothes makes her to shake her head quickly, before tucking you in inside the blanket.

Karina can't do anything more than that.

She then approach the bathroom to take a shower itself after cleaning what she used, and once she's done.

Karina looked at you who's still at the same position earlier when she left to take a shower.

She chuckles finding you cute though she looked away when she remember what you said earlier.

"Let's talk, Love"

cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now