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" Are you done laughing ? " Karina looked at you annoyingly.

You shook your head, obviously failing to stifle your laughter.

You look at Karina who's in the mud, her brows are already forming a straight line and you know you should probably stop laughing right now because she's going to blow out, but what can you do ?

It's funny.

You were on your way back to leave the farm when she suddenly slipped and fell into a mud.

You were walking on planks then suddenly she fall in the middle. Half of her legs is now covered in dirt since she's just wearing short jeans.

And you're laughing so hard like this, because the first words to come out of her month is "My white shoes!"

" Are you like. Just going to laugh at me and not help me ? "

You closed your mouth when you noticed the change on her voice, and ofcourse Karina who notices it bit the inside of her cheek trying not to smile.

Atleast she knows, she still have an effect to you.

And she admit it or not.

Karina's glad she's seeing you laughing, it was as if it's her first time seeing you laughed after three years, and for her she felt happy too.

You've been cold around her, and now that you're laughing she wants to say you look good when you smile.

But she knows once she do that, you'll stop and that's why she'll just remained silent and keep herself calm before she could pulled you to join her in the mud.

If she knows her falling into a mud while make you laugh she should have done it earlier than she thought.

But right now, she needs to think how to clean her fucking white shoes.

" Grab on. " You said in a poker face.

Karina looks at you with amusement. Like wow, You changed your expression so face since right now you don't look like someone who's just laughing earlier.

Karina grab your hand and you pulled her up, once she's up you drag her somewhere.

She didn't bother to stop you or ask since she's seeing you approaching a faucet.

" Wash yourself. " You let go of her hand. " take off your shoe and socks. "

Karina did what you said without complaining.

" Give me that "

Karina look at the direction where you're looking and once she finally knows what is it. She nodded her head and gave you her shoes and socks as you wait for her to get finished.

You looked away and hold your laugh again. Earlier she looks lifeless.

Extending your hand when you felt a water drop to your head. You look up to see the sky already turning dark, soon multiple droplets fall onto your palm.

" It's suddenly raining.. " You mumbled.

" Hurry up. We're going to get wet by the rain before we could even enter the car. " You face Karina who just finished washing herself.

" The car's here already ? " She asked while putting her both hands up to her head.

You nodded your heard. " Minutes ago. "

Karina just hummed as she watch the other people running to find a place where they won't get wet by the rain.

While you and Karina are just standing there not even minding if your clothes are wet.

" Can you run barefoot ? " You gaze down at her feet. Karina look at her feet before looking at you. " Maybe ?.. " She unsurely answered.

" Good " You nodded your head. " Because we're going to run "

And before Karina could even disagree with that, she let out a loud squel when you grab her right hand and started running out of the farm.

Finally arriving beside of the car, the driver stopped beside you while holding an umbrella, he then opened the door and when Karina was about to enter you stop her.

" Take a sit. " sounds like an order to her.

She looked at you with confusion, " Do you have bottled water or anything ? " You look at the driver.

The driver nod his head and gave you the umbrella before opening the driver's seat.

You thanked him and gave the umbrella back for him to hold. " Take this " Karina grab her shoes and socks at you.

Her eyes widened in shocked when suddenly you lowered yourself down to open the bottled water. " Your feet " you look at her.

" I-ill do i-t " She stuttered.

You sighed when Karina didn't obey so instead of repeating it you reach for your feet and put it out of the car to wash it.

You poured the bottled water to her both feet and wash them to remove the muds that are stuck.

While Karina, Heck, she don't know what the hell are you doing, she thought she need to go to the hospital because she felt like she's going to pass out just by what you're doing.

And once it's done.

You stand and look at Karina who's now a tomato. You hold your smile and face the driver saying that you'll now enter.

Karina move inside more to give you space still mind blank at what you did. You steal a glance at Karina once the car starts and before it could even move further,

You talk to the driver. " Do you know a Ice cream store ? "

The driver nodded his head.

" Take us there. " after that, you leaned your head on the window and watch what's outside.

But not even a minute when you did that, you look at Karina when she said something.

" Ice cream ? really ? " She frowned. " It's raining and it's already cold yet you want ice cream ? Are you immune to coldness ? " she added in disbelief.

And instead of hearing an answer to you.

You look away and just leaned your head back to the window completely ignoring her.

You don't know why, but now that it's raining,


You felt sad.


cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now