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Silence quickly took over the car once you're done buying ice cream.

You treated the driver, including Karina who's at first disagreeing about it, you don't want to force her so you said okay, but when suddenly you were about to close the window after grabbing the ice cream for a drive thru take out.

She stopped you by telling she change her mind and she wants one.

At first you're confused but decided to just shrug and buy her one.

Karina has no other complaints aside that it's cold, It's your treat so why would she let that pass.

You and Karina like this silence.

It's comforting.

It's kind of like a silence that filled your three years of being unable to communicate with each other.

It's kind of like a silence that makes you both want to go back somewhere memorable.

It's the kind of silence that hits..


Karina smiled bitterly.

Her own thoughts are like pricks to her heart.

She wanted to open the window, hoping that the passing wind would take away her pains and thoughts with it, but she didn't do it.

It's still raining outside and still, it's cold.

Karina released a heavy sigh as she remembers what her friends told her especially Yeji.

"It's your fault"

"You both waited for fucking three years yet you're going to break your relationship with just a simple breakup!"

She starts hearing Yeji, Giselle and Ryujin's loud voice in her mind.

"She suffered there Karina! Ryujin told me! The practice and the studies she needs to do. She haven't even taken a good sleep that's what she told us!"

"She said she badly wants to see you and feel what home feels like again.Yet Here you are being a selfish girl"

"I can forgive you Karina. But don't expect me to forget what you just did to my friend."

Karina could feel her eyes swelling, so she shut them tightly and sniffed even if there's no tears falling.

" Are you cold ? "

Karina look at your direction when she heard you ask that with your voice laced with nothingness, your eyes still at the road.

" We're in Baguio " She answered. Ofcourse you're in Baguio, it's definitely cold.

Silence took over again, the driver wants to utter a word or ask something but he would always ended not doing it afraid that some of you might get mad.

" Karina. "

The time when she was about to look at you again when she heard you called her name, she frowned when a soft fabric hit her face.

She grabbed it and look at you with confusion.

" You're trembling. " You coldly answer to her question in her mind.

cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now