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" I still can't believe that happened.. " Yeji sighs.

Everyone remembers what happened earlier. Good thing is the police arrived before you could even punch him again, or one of yours could.

" He just ruined our night " NingNing said, and ofcourse they all agreed with it.

" I want to punch that bastard so bad " Giselle greeted her teeth, " But Verna didn't even let us lay a hand on him. Heck, She just punch him twice yet he's already down. "

They agrees.

" Stop thinking about the man already " Winter said making the others to look at her. " Karina's with Verna right now so we should be relieved " she shrugs.

" But well any update with that jerk ? " Winter added earning a chuckle from them.

She just said to stop thinking about the man yet here she is asking them about him.

" They bring him to the police station, but knowing this police they could just let him escape the jail maybe after one week ? "

They frowned when Yuna said that. It's true after all.

Yena groaned, " Sexual assault is still a crime no matter how small it is. "

They sighed.

" For now let's just hope Karina's fine already " Yuna smiles while patting Yena's shoulder who's walking beside her.

Yena smile back at her before looking at the others. " In Verna we trust "

" Just eat please.. " You pleased the girl infront of you once again.

" Don't wanna " The stubborn Karina Yu, said.

You sighs and beg her once again. " Just please eat "

" no. "

" please ? "

" say the word first. "

With that, you frowned and look at her with confusion, Word ? there's like trillions of words out there, What word the hell is she talking about ?

" There is ? "

Karina nodded her head. " yes, so say it or else I won't eat " Looks like someone is messing with you tonight.

" Karina, there's like millions of words out there. I have no idea what are you talking about " You groaned, you have no any idea at all.

Karina remained silent and just watch you think.

And then you realized, you know what is it, " Don't tell me.. " You look at her.

" Yes " She smiles once she noticed you already find it out.

You sighed and look at the plate infront of her just to see none of it was move even the spoon and fork's position didn't change at all.

You're still pissed with that man, and infact you're not in the mood right now.

But then,

Karina needs to eat or else you're friends are going to skin you alive.

" Yeah, Fine whatever " You scoffed before taking a deep breath and look at hera with a serious gaze. " Love, please eat already " you forced a smile.

Karina chuckles. " Ha! I win "

" Just eat already " You scoffed.

She smiles before grabbing the fork and spoon ready to eat what's serve on the plate infront of her. " I will, baby. "

And so, Karina really did started eating, it was as if she's just trying to hard to get at you earlier.

You look at her, she looks so much better than you thought she'd be after what happened but you're still worried to the point you can't just stop asking her, " How are you feeling ? "

Karina stopped eating her mood quickly changes.

Suddenly you felt stupid and guilty for making her remember the incident.

" We can talk comfortably about it now " she noticed the guilty you're feeling. " but, honestly I was terrified " she released a heavy sigh.

" But when I watched you get angry and catch him for me... " she paused and bit her lower lip. " I felt relaxed and safe because you're there... You would beat him up in my place just for me "

You giggle trying to ease the tension on the table.

Karina who's now looking at you stop herself from smiling. The girl she's facing right now is unlike you the day you first met in Baguio for the coupon.

You were cold, but this time you're warm.

She don't know if it's because your friends are here, or not, but whatever your reason is for laughing, chuckling, giggling and smiling like that.

Somehow she felt happy too just by thinking, even if she caused you so much hurt, you're still able to put a smile on your face no matter what.

" I felt really safe, so thank you for that " Karina added.

She don't know if you did that because you felt bad for her or you just did that because you're a lawyer and a citizen who needs to help someone.

But what she knows right now.

Is that you beat that man after assaulting her.

You nodded your head and continued eating again. " No problem. "

You and Karina avoided talking about the incident and just talk about random stuffs, while and after eating.

" Do you want to stay here ? if you don't want to it's fine " You carefully asked as you step out of the table, you don't want her to feel suffocated.

Karina stand and step out of the table too before looking at you. " Let's go somewhere else ? "

You answered her with a nod.

" I kind of want to escape this place for a bit "

With that, You and Karina walk towards Yeji and Ryujin's car, you already texted the couple that you're using it and that you're leaving the market which they thought good too.

You have no destination in mind, just mindlessly driving doesn't seem so bad after all.

Wherever this car is taking you both, you'll make sure to keep the both of you safe.

You'll protect her.

No matter how much pain she caused you.

After an hour of driving taking an endless path, you stopped the engine and told Karina to leave while you did the same.

You quickly gaze up on the sky and saw the moon shining brightly, but somehow something's missing and you're not the one who also notices it.

Tonight, is a starless sky.


cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now