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In the midst of everything, Beomgyu quickly open his hotel room's door when he heard a multiple knocks coming from it.

He rush and opens it, to his surprised.
He was welcome by his exhausted step sister.

Beomgyu didn't think twice to pull you inside of the room and guide you to the bed as he patted your back softly, caressing it multiple times.

" Why ? What happened to you ? Is everything okay ? " Beomgyu keep asking but none of his questions were answered.

So he decided to remained silent and wait for you to talk.

After a while, he quietly listens to your sobs and sniffs and he'll admit this but it hurts seeing his own stepsister like this.

Later on.

You starts speaking on your will.

Beomgyu could only grip his fist tightly while you continued explaining everything slowly. You got hurt again. It might sound childish for everyone but Beomgyu also believes to cosmos.

And right now, he's blaming the cosmos from everything.

" Beomgyu message me, he said Verna's with him " Yuna said once she opened the door of the room.

" How did she came there ? " Yena asked. " But that's good though. I thought something already happened to her it's late already "

All of them agrees at what Yena just said.

" that's a relief " Winter sighs. It's only the three of them inside you and Karina's shared room.

NingNing, Giselle, and Yeji are at the other room where they're trying to comfort Karina. While Ryujin ? that girl is nowhere to be found around the hotel.

" So ? What happens now ? " Winter broke the long Silence.

All of them already expect this coming but they didn't expect this will be really happening.

" Beomgyu said she's sleeping there and they'll stay for one more day here in Baguio " With the sudden information, The three look at Yuna. " and unfortunately he told us to stay again for one more day. He said he can't bare seeing her sister going back to Manila in a state like that "

" Does the others know already ? " Yena asked and Yuna nodded her head. " I already message Giselle so I think she'll tell it to them. "

" For now, Let's just hope everything will be fine " Winter sighs.

" It hurts.. "

Karina whispered under her breath.

Yeji, NingNing, and Giselle remained silent and just let their friend to cry. As far as they want to stop her from crying they know Karina needs it.

" It's all my fault. It's my fault all along.. I have no right to be like this because I'm the one who hurts us both.. " Karina speaks in a weak voice, with sobs and sniffs from time to time.

The three have no clue what really happened at the café and they have no plan asking it now.

They rather wait for Karina to speaks.

So they just listens. They just needs to listen and be there for Karina no matter how coward she is.

They know everything all along.

cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now