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" I haven't seen you in four years, What are you doing here ?? " You asked happily after hugging the girl. " You didn't even grow taller, Chaewon-ahh " You teased.

Chaewon rolled her eyes followed by a chuckle. " What matters is that I'm still breathing " she brag throwing her hair as if she was endorsing a brand of shampoo.

" Yeah whatever " You chuckled before taking a sit infront of her.

Chaewon decided to meet you on a café and ofcourse you agree since she said it's her treat.

After telling your orders, you and Chaewon decided to talk randomly while waiting.

" Why are you here though ? Where's your husband ? " You asked, rolling your eyes after meaning the husband word, and that makes Chaewon chuckled.

" You mean the stupid husband ? " She giggles, " I don't know. Once the company was handed to me, we didn't have any contact with each other which I'm glad of " She smiles. " Also I heard he have a girlfriend now "

" That's better " You smiles, Right, Chaewon is now the owner of their company.

Her family finally given her the freedom she deserves but in return she should take care of the company very well.

" So ? Why are you here ? "

" Ah that " Chaewon look at the large window beside the table. " I Just came to unwind, company's stressing me out and it was so sudden that I met Beomgyu near the intramuros " She looks at you. " She told me you're here and that.. " Chaewon gaze at you carefully.

" That I'm with my ex ? " You continued what she's about to say when you see hesitation.

" Yeah.. " She chuckled awkwardly once your order finally come. " She told me you're with her, Why though ? "

Taking a sip on your coffee, you sighed. " Vacation coupon " Chaewon frowned. " It was given by our boss and unfortunately they're each others friends that's why we ended up here "

Chaewon nodded her head. " Are you fine with it ? How's it's been so far ? "

You look at her, " Weird, confusing and also fun "

" Weird and confusing ? How ? "

" Maybe because of mixed signals ? that's probably from me and her ?, I don't know. " You shrugged earning a chuckle from her.

" I'm amazed you're now aware of your own actions " She took a slice on the cake she ordered.

" Get used to it " You take a sip on your coffee again. " and I know because there's this thought in my mind. I don't know what I want from her, from us. "

" Care to elaborate ? " Chaewon frowned.

You sigh and take a slice on the cake before speaking. " You know that she just left me right after I arrive without no explanations ? "

Chaewon nodded her head. " That was an overwhelming welcome. "

You glared at her but she just chuckled and motioned you to continue.

" Years later after Yeji and Ryujin's wedding which is our last meet up, It Looks like cosmos played with me and throwed us in the same hotel " You look at her. " I don't even know if I've already move on, or I just really need some answers why she left "

cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now