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Sitting infront on one of the table here at that wedding reception.

You and Karina just remained silent and wondered your eyes around, and for you the reception is not bad.

Everything about it looks so luxury.

" Oh hey you guys really come! "

You and Karina heard a familiar voice and when you look where it came from. Both of you smiled when it was the couple.

" You look beautiful "

One of them said to Karina while the other looks at you.

" You look beautiful handsome " She said earning a chuckle from you and a shake of a head.

" By the way. "

The three of you look at the girl when she talk. " I bet we haven't introduce our names to you two. "

You and Karina nodded your heads, it's true after all.

" I'm Park Chaeyoung, You can call me Rosé " The girl smiles and extend her hand for a handshake which you and Karina accepted.

" I'm Kim Jisoo, call me anything you want " The girl who said you're beautiful handsome earlier, said.

And just like what the girl named Rosé did, she also extend her hand and ofcourse you and Karina accepted it too.

The four of you had a little talk before they start the program, and now that you're in the middle of it. Wines started appearing everywhere.

It's now time for the couples to drink wine and once they did, you and Karina clap your hands joining the crowds.

And since the program is almost done. You and Karina just started drinking there at the table, and you don't know why the heck are you feeling sleepy with just six glasses of god knows what brand of wines that are.

You just keep grabbing the glass that they offer and you would keep drinking them too.

Karina tried to stop you and reminded you that you have low tolerance when it comes to wines.

" Why are so seriou-ss ? " You asked Karina in a little drunk tone of your voice.

Karina hold her laugh, she can tell you're not tipsy, your eyes are already on the urge to close tightly yet you're fighting them to not.

" Should I smile then ? while eating ? " Karina asked on a serious tone.

" Yes " You chuckled. " you look the prettiest when you're smiling. "

" Excuse me what ? " She looked at you in shocked. " You need sleep " and since You and Karina are just sitting beside each other.

She bit her lower lip hesitating to reach for your head to leaned it down on her shoulder and once she successfully did. She sigh in relief. She knows how to take care of you nor what to do when you're drunk.

Maybe it's true that, it's hard to forget the things you get used to do, that you usually do.

" Let's talk. "

Suddenly when Karina heard that nervousness runs down to her spine.

" Ab-bout what ? " She stuttered hoping it's not what she thought, but once she heard that two letter words, she flinched.

cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now