Chapter 1

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Hey there, i'm y/n l/n.. unfortunately i'm the so called 'princess' of the clover kingdom, while many would think that's a wonderful thing due to the severe lack of money problems, supreme magical abilities, good education and unlimited resources.. they couldn't be more wrong, well the part about it being 'wonderful' that is.

You see.. 3 years ago my mother died with an awful illness and the doctors say her illness could be hereditary, could be worse right? wrong! My crappy immune system makes it pretty much impossible for me to leave the castle, why you ask? After my mothers death i started to become ill more frequently than before and because of her death and the doctors conclusion my father got pretty 'protective' over me.

It's been 3 years since i've stepped outside the castle grounds. My uncle, King Augustus Kira Clover, the rightful king of clover always tells my dad he's being ridiculous, which i fully agree with by the way, i mean cmon these are my teenage years, though i'd never argue with his requests. If anything i'm pretty submissive to people, i've gotten so used to following orders it's become an everyday thing.

You see King Kira Clover, my uncle as you've come to know is the rightful king. What i mean by that is he does all the public work, talking to the people, making sure they're happy, which by the way i'm pretty sure he's awful at, whereas my dad sticks to the technical sides of it, for example: paperwork, alliances, armies.

My dad was thrilled with this idea as it was an opportunity to keep me away from the public and to instead keep my uncle in the spotlight. Due to the lack of interaction with others the only friend i had was Lucy. Sad, right?

Today was actually exciting for once though, take a guess why! It's finally time to get my grimoire, of course i would not be traveling further than the castles library for my grimoire, god forbid i get exposed to the outside world. As much as i understood my fathers concerns and missed my mom, all i wanted to do was make friends, but for now i guess i'm okay with following dads rules.

I slowly trudged my feet all the way to the library "what's wrong ma'am?" my maid Lucy asked.

You may be wondering what my magic is, that's simple.. weather control, i guess it's not that simple, i've been able to control salty water, make lightning and bend it to my will, create clouds to sneak out of the palace on.. did i just say that? you heard nothing! y/n get a grip of yourself you're not even talking to anyone right now. Anyways carrying on, i can turn small bodies of water into ice and that's it. For the most part i've been practicing my lightning, though i never intend to fight, if a fight some how broke out i want to have the ability to stop it.

After my lack of a response lucy repeated herself "ma'am?" i shook my head "yeah? pardon?" She giggled at my antics "i asked if anything was the matter?" i looked down at the ground "sorry for not paying attention.. I was actually thinking about my magic and my grimoire, i mean don't get me wrong it's great that i'm able to possess one but i'll never be able to use it.."

Lucy looked to the ground "I sympathize with your situation ma'am i can't imagine how difficult it must be to not be allowed out any further that the palace courtyards" i sighed deeply, and smiled "no, none of that sympathy. I have you don't i? You're the only friend i need as of now!"

"Me? your friend ma'am? i couldn't possibly-" i rose any index finger to her mouth in attempt to shush her rambling "hey lucy.. of course we're friends.. i've known you most of my life and well you're the only one who knows basically everything about me, dads always busy and with his rules it's hard for me to meet anyone else, you're the only eligible person to be my friend. Take it or leave it!" I grinned. Lucy brightly smiled "then of course ma'am!, friends!"

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