Chapter 14

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It was now the following day and my illness had only gotten worse, I was now throwing up constantly along with my previous issues such as coughing up blood, headaches and severe belly pains.
The pain was starting to become unbearable, but there was nothing I could do. After Mimosa, Yuno and Klaus fetched the doctor he told me that he could see no reason for my body acting the way it was so I just had to tough it out..

"How are you feeling?" Mimosa walked in my room holding a teapot and a teacup. "Not any better.. I almost feel worse than I was yesterday.." she sat down on the edge of my bed and placed the teapot and teacup on my beside table. "here.. I made you some herbal tea, it should help with your headaches and will hopefully stop you from coughing up blood.." I sat up in bed and poured myself a cup, rose it to my mouth and took a small mouthful "it tastes wonderful Mimosa.. thank you.." she nodded "Yuno and Klaus should be here soon" I rested my teacup back onto the table and turned back to her in confusion "what for?" "to check up on you silly.. we're all worried about you.." I raised an eyebrow "even Klaus?" she rose her hand to her mouth as she giggled "of course, he's almost more worried than Yuno is, he keeps panicking and suggesting we come see you every 2 minutes. We can barely get through a single training session without him mentioning you" I smiled "he's changed a lot.." "he has been warming up to you and Yuno a lot recently"

'Knock Knock'

"Mimosa! Y/n! We're entering!" "stop yelling Klaus, she could be sleeping" "Well I wish to see her so she better be awake!" Klaus opened the door and him and Yuno entered.
"See Yuno she is awake!" "i know" "enough attitude Yuno!"
I smiled at their arguing "hey guys.. how was training?" Klaus and Yuno joined Mimosa and sat on the opposite side of my bed "not so close Klaus you're suffocating her" "she's okay with it Yuno! You're okay with it right?" I nodded "don't worry" he pushed up his glasses "anyways, training was fine, we're more curious to see how you are" I looked down and took another sip of the tea Mimosa brewed me "i'm not sure.. i mean i've just gotten worse.. the doctors don't understand what's wrong with me.. I mean what else is there to tell.." everyone fell quiet till a knock once again sounded at the door.

"Princess Y/n. Princess Y/n are you in there?" my eyes widened.. what did they just call me "Y/n, wh-" the door flew into the room, someone kicked it down?! "You answer when someone asks you something, I did not raise an insolent child!" why.. why.. why him.. why's he here now? "dad.."

He stormed in past the broken door alongside two of his men.

"How long did you think this would go unnoticed? Did you think your own father wouldn't notice his daughters been replaced with a fake?!" he roared "dad.. I-" "shut up! Do you know what rumors have spread around not just ours but your uncles castle about me? Do you know what they're saying?! You've run my name through the mud! I mean what sort of princess abandons their home and disobeys their fathers orders!!" He stepped closer to the bed.
"I see you've made friends.. ridiculous, Mimosa Vermillion, cousin of your cousins, other two are unknown. Y/n, say goodbye to these pests at once!" I looked into his eyes in fear.. i've never seen him as angry as he was today.. but even still.. I looked at Yuno and he looked back at me, deep into my eyes. Yuno once told me to tell someone if I disagree with them.. I guess now was finally the time to try that.

"Dad.. I-I don't want to leave.. I love the Golden Dawn.. I love my friends here, I've had the time of my life in these last two weeks with Mosa, Klaus and Yuno, I don't want that to end.. there's still more people out there that need us.. that need me, my help. I'm not done here yet, please let me stay.. I love being a Magic Knight.."

His jaw moved side to side as he tensed it. He stepped closer and closer to the bed. "Y/N, I DONT CARE, WE ARE LEAVING NOW" fear rose in me, I started shaking and once again I coughed up blood.

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