Chapter 17

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Yunos POV

What do you get a women for a present? Like seriously who made them so hard to buy for?
"Yuno!" "Bell? Since when were you here?" she balled her fists and sat on my shoulder "i've been here this whole time!" "you have?" she deeply inhaled "whatever! What are you doing down here? Shopping?" I nodded "for who?" i sighed knowing that when i responded she was gonna scream in my ear "my best friend y/n, I want to get her something to welcome her back into the Golden Dawn" Bell appeared in front of me, using her wings to fly "are you kidding me Yuno?! I thought I was the only woman in your life!" I proceeded to ignore her and continued looking around "who is she anyways?! I've never seen this Y/n girl only Mimosa!" i sighed "she was at the castle bell, she's back now though. Look if you're not gonna be useful go back into the grimoire" she angrily looked back at me "Yuno! Why are you so moody all the time?!" i blankly looked back at her ".. fine i'll help but only because i get to spend more time with you! I don't approve of this y/n girl Yuno!" I continued walking "Yuno!" if i keep walking maybe she'll be quiet "Yuno!" okay, I was wrong.

Y/n's POV

"Wow these cakes are really good Mimosa!" she blushed "thank you, it's my mothers favorite cake recipe!" my eyes sparkled "you'll have to give me the recipe sometime!" Klaus raised his eyebrows "what about the fruit selection?" my eyebrows furrows in confusion "the fruit is nice?" "aha! I knew you liked fruit! I colour coordinated them especially for this picnic, notice how it goes raspberries, grapes and then blueberries?" i nodded "thank you for the effort you put in klaus!"

Truth be told if he didn't mention that i wouldn't have even noticed, i'm not the most attentive person in the world so sometimes I happen to not realised things as quickly as others and sometimes i don't realize things at all. It's a hit or miss really. I am glad Klaus told me about his efforts regardless of me noticing or not, that way I can actually appreciate the trouble he went through to organize the fruit.

"it's getting late now. Mimosa,
Y/n, we should head back" I nodded "you're right, Klaus" I looked down at my feet, I know i only seen him a little while ago but I was really hoping that Yuno would have showed up.
I changed where i was staring and looked up at the sky.. it was so beautiful, the sky was painted with a palette of pinks and purples, I had never seen anything quite like it "actually guys i'm gonna stay out here for a little while longer, okay?"

Klaus' glasses fell to the tip of his nose "y/n, don't be ridiculous it's late we need to go back!" Mosa grabbed his arm causing him to look at her and she shook her head, Klaus looked at the ground and back to me "fine.. but be careful and don't stay out here too long" my eyes closed in glee "i won't Klaus i promise!" Mosa and Klaus turned their backs to me and waved.

I sat once again against the tree we had our picnic by, I looked at all the surroundings, It was so much different being out here and experiencing the different types of plants and animals. In the castle I could still go outside but being out here was completely different to that, I felt more free and the way the air tastes and feels against my skin weirdly feels different too, I don't know quite how to explain it..

I sat under the tree for a few more minutes before I heard a small thud beside me..
"chirp.. chirp"
My eyes averted from the sky and was now focused on the small baby bird infront of me.

"Where did you come from little guy?"
"chirp chirp"
His head raised upwards and faced a branch in the tree. In the tree was three other birds and a worried looking mother bird, it had appeared that they were learning how to fly.
I took another look at the worried mother.. it's nice to see how much she cares about her baby..
I picked up the chick and sat it gently in the middle of my left hand, I outstretched my right hand making a cloud appear.
"Go on little Guy.. Your mother is waiting.." I held my hand towards the cloud so the chick could walk onto and so he did, slowly i raised the small cloud up to the branch that resided the chicks family.
My face brightened as I watched the chick step off and reunite with its worried family "you're okay now little guy.. your mother will protect and help you from now on.."
I couldn't help but to think of my own mother.. it felt like it had been so long since she passed.. a singular tear slid down the side of my face, I couldn't help but think that my life would be perfect if she was still alive but I know that's not true.. as much as I'd love to be with her still, life is never perfect.. if I had to look on the bright side I'd say that I'd never have gotten to meet Yuno, Mosa and Klaus if she never ended up dying because i wouldn't have had to flee the castle to prove myself.. and honestly.. without them life would be so hard to deal with right now, I don't know what to say.. I care for them so much.. Asta too, they're all so special within my heart I-
"Is that her Yuno!?"
My thoughts stopped and I tilted my head
I turned around and seen Yuno but he wasn't alone? He was with a small fairy girl.
I ran towards them and hugged Yuno "you had me so worried! I was looking for you everywhere earlier!" He put his arms around me and hugged me back "sorry to worry you, I was in town" "you were?" he nodded "Yuno! This is the girl you were talking about?! What does she have that I don't?!! And stop hugging her!!!" I pulled away from Yuno and turned to the small fairy looking girl "wow.." "hmph" she turned away from me "what do you want?" she asked with her arms crossed "it's just.. you're so pretty" she turned around and stared at me with sparkles in her eyes "you think so?! Tell Yuno that!" I giggled softly "i'm sure he already knows..?" she frowned once again "if you must know my name is Bell" I smiled and held my finger out for her to shake "it's lovely to meet you, Bell" "it's not! Hmph" she crossed her arms once again, I retracted my finger with a small frown.

"Bell" Yuno said blankly, she clasped her hands together lovingly and gave all her attention to Yuno "yes Yunoo~" his eyes looked emotionless "you can leave now" "but Yuno!!!" "go" "fine!" she went back into his grimoire and there was a moment of silence between me and Yuno.
He pointed underneath the tree "should we sit?" I nodded "let's go" i took his hand and pulled him to sit down.
We both sat next to eachother crossed legged.
"So who exactly is Bell?" he shook his head "oh.. her, she's a sylph. Basically she has really strong wind magic and she's technically a spell but not really" i chuckled "something tells me she wouldn't be happy about you calling her a spell" he sighed "oh well" I poked his cheek "I forgot how cold you can be" he raised an eyebrow "cold? Am i cold towards you?" he asked, I shook my head and rested it back onto the tree "not really, you can be sometimes but i can tell you don't intend to be rude so i don't mind it.. anywaysss I heard you missed me" he nodded "of course i missed you"
My eyes lightly widened and I turned away from him.. For some reason I wasn't expecting him to say it so straightforwardly "I want to thank you again for rescuing me" he leant his head next to mine on the tree "I only gave you the confidence you needed to stand up to your father" i turned my head to look at him "That's not what i'm taking about though, you came all the way to the castle, snuck in and helped me,  so much more than you know" I took in a deep breath "I wouldn't be here right now if not for you. Thank you so much" I placed my head on his shoulder "Of course I came to get you, I'd do it over and over again if it meant i'd get to have you annoy me everyday" After he said those words I had the stupidest grin on my face. It may have seemed like an insult but to me it was so much more, it showed that he really did like having me around and it truly did upset him that I wasn't here.
The moment didn't last long as I moved in front of him to show him my robe "I forgot, look! I got it back" he shook his head in disbelief "of course you did idiot.. You are a member of the Golden Dawn after all" I nodded "Right!" Yunos eyes jolted "I got you something" my eyebrows lowered in confusion "you did? What do you mean?" he scratched the back of his neck "I wanted to get something to welcome you back so I went to town" my eyes widened "that's why you went? You shouldn't have Yuno being here is so much more than enough" he shook his head and handed me a box, after doing that he walked away.
"I hope you like it, also dont stay out here too long, it's dark. Please go back soon" "I will?"

I was still so confused. Why did he hand me a box and then leave? The box was fairly small and was the colour purple.
Hmm.. Should I open it now?
Yes of course I should.

I pulled back the top of the box to reveal a necklace with a silver Aster flower.
Some how a flower with a similar name to his best friend has become a symbol of our friendship, it all started on that mission. I held the necklace in my hand and immediately put it around my neck, it hung perfectly onto my chest.
He didn't have too but strangely i'm glad he did. I couldn't think of a more perfect gift, honestly I was worried he'd get me some new shoes or something that I didn't like but the necklace he got me? I love it, i'm never going to take it off.

"Why do I have to take it off?" Klaus sighed "you can't wear it during training, what if it breaks?" i nodded with a frown "i guess your right, i don't want to break it"
It had been 4 days since I rejoined the Golden Dawn and since Yuno gave me my new prized possession. Currently we were training our magic powers but that's not really interesting so here's an update to what's been happening isn't he squad over the last four days.
David accidentally froze a whole town while fighting with a member of the Crimson Lion Kings which their member put out.
Hamon won the free food for a whole month from the cafeteria within the squad headquarters.
Langris got tipsy and accidentally brought a girl back to headquarters.
Nothing else has really changed though, the news about me being a princess has died down within the knight squad too which isn't surprising considering most of the members are nobility themselves.
I thanked Yuno for his present which made Bell angry.
Mimosa has been talking a lot about Asta recently which is strange. Klaus is his usual self, what more can I say really?

The day after training me, Yuno, Mosa and of course Klaus finally got another new job in the town of Preika, it had seemed that we had formed our own little squad within the Golden Dawn and I couldn't be happier.
Our mission was to capture a bartender.
The captain gave us this information "somewhere in the town of Preika is a bar with a bartender that has been running an illegal underground trading operation of magic boosters and you need to locate the bar and apprehend the bartender, his associates and bring back any magic enhancers you find"

I was so excited to finally have another mission, it was the first one i've had since I rejoined the Golden Dawn and let's just say what happened on the mission was embarrassingly unexpected.

P.S. Sorry for taking so long to publish a new chapter, A Levels are killing me off 😃

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