Chapter 4

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Some noble man offered yuno to
fight him which yuno accepted.
They both walked to the middle of the coliseum and faced eachother "now, begin!" the referee shouted and moved his arm down to show that the match had started.

The noble started twirling his hair with his fingers "having the opportunity to battle the great Salim Hapshass that alone is quite an honour. It will give you something to talk about when you return to your little village"
Yuno was completely unfazed and blankly looked at the noble 'Salim'

Salim pulled out his grimoire "you wont go empty handed, take this as a souvenir, a special nobles move I call Holy Lightning Rising Salim" Yuno copying Salim pulled out his grimoire and flicked through the pages. A large lightning orb appeared above them. Salims magic is electricity? Similar to mine "i've arranged for your transportation home" the orb of electricity shot towards yuno "Wind Magic: Towering Tornado!" a tornado appeared infront of yuno stopping the ball of electricity. His magic power is insane! I thought he lived in the forsaken realm, how could someone from the forsaken realms power beat a nobles power "go yuno!" i smiled, Yuno walked over to asta and asta congratulated him to which yuno shrugged off and walked off to be by himself. It's my turn to show them my power now!

As i was walking around i started to become desperate, almost everyone had partnered up and fought, if things carried on i'd be eliminated from a lack of participation "you, scum!" a hand appeared on my shoulder "what.." i whispered to myself in confusion.

I turned around and was greeted with a noble looking woman who was a few inches taller than me "fight me, now" so first she calls me scum and then she demands that i fight her? not the nicest way to be towards someone.
I smiled at her "phew, i was getting worried there, i thought i'd end up having no one to fight. Thank you!" she grimaced at the thank you i gave her and snarked "you wont be thanking me after i'm done with you.." I walked behind her towards the middle of the coliseum and waved towards yuno and asta who was about to watch our fight unfold, asta excitedly waved back while yuno only nodded to acknowledge me.

"The fight starts.. Now! begin!" the girl infront of me smirked "you really shouldn't have accepted my offer, this is already over! Plant Magic: Piercing thorns!" Large vines made their way towards me, I scrambled to pull out my grimoire "Weather Magic: Salt Water Dome!"my grimoire lit up as a large water dome surrounded me protecting myself from the girls vicious attack, i wiped the sweat off my forehead "phew that was a close one!" my opponent merely laughed "gonna stay in there the whole time? you have to come out as some point you coward!" as she said those words my spell dropped "time for my attack! Weather Magic Hallowing Hails!" Little pieces of ice in the shapes of swords rained down from above her causing her to wimp in pain.

"This isn't over!" the noble girl yelled "Plant Magic: Poisonous Gas!" before the gas could hit me i used my salt water dome around our fight to protect the other contestants while also flipping my grimoire to a different page "this is it, Weather Magic: Lightning Shock!" a large bolt of lightning broke through the smoke and hit my opponent in the abdomen, sending her flying backwards into a wall, i hope i didn't hurt her to bad.

Before i went to check on the noble i was fighting previously i opened a hole in the water dome surrounding the others and used my normal magic to send the remaining poisonous gas into the sky.

When the gas was fully gone i dropped the dome and ran to the girl i sent flying. I knelt down besides her "are you okay?" i asked "tch, get away from me!" i frowned "please allow me to heal you" she shook her head "me, need your help? How disgusting!" she pushed me to the ground, helped herself up and walked away "jeez.. i only wanted to help" i whispered quietly to myself "y/n, that was great, you have weather magic?!" asta approached me on the ground and lent his hand out to help me up "yeah!" i smiled "that's so cool! Why were you on the ground though?" i sighed and shook the dust of me for the third time today "i offered to heal her after our fight" i pointed to the girl i fought "but she denied my help and pushed me away.."
Astas eyes shone "heal? You can heal people?!" i nodded "i told you earlier that my grimoire is a convergence of two separate grimoires, well one contained healing magic, the other weather magic so i have multiple abilities!" asta had tears in his eyes after hearing this information "oh man am i jealous! You did amazing though!" my eyes shone in admiration for the boy infront of me

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