Chapter 12

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"They're here! Run!"
Me, Yuno, Mimosa and Klaus were talking in Miss Yumis house when voices were heard yelling outside.

"This is it guys, Mimosa use your guidepost now!" Klaus requested "Magic Flower Guidepost!" a flower emerged from the ground showing a brief yellow hologram of the town, in the hologram were six bright green dots that signified the bandits locations.

"There's six" I turned towards Klaus and Yuno "so you're taking on three each?! Are you sure you don't want our help" Klaus turned towards the door "me and Yuno have got this, you just focus on your jobs" I still couldn't help but worry, they're doing 3v1s after all.
"Yuno?" he tapped my head "we'll be fine, protect the townspeople" Mimosa nodded and answered in my stead "we're on it"
All together we left Yumis house, Yuno and Klaus went together and me and Mosa headed in a different direction.

"Over there, a bandits attacking that woman!" I unclipped my grimoire as quick as i physically could "Weather magic: Salt water dome!" A water dome appeared around the woman being attacked "Mosa go in there make sure she's okay!" "is it possible for me to enter?" I nodded "i'll make an entry way for you, go!" "be careful!"

I stood infront of the dome. The bandits all must've split up. Yuno or Klaus should be here soon but for now it's up to me to make sure Mosa and the woman is safe. You've got this y/n. "How cute, you're trying to protect this village, too bad we need our weekly ransom" Ransom? What was he talking about "I wont let you hurt them!" the bandit infront of me started chuckling "you think you can protect them Magic Knight?Even if you stop us this time we'll come back time and time again!" I frowned "but why? Leave them alone!" he smirked "it's simple really, we want this village and they won't give it to us, so instead we need to take their belongings. That way they'll be begging us to take over their pathetic village" I raised an eyebrow "pathetic, these villagers are anything but pathetic! Water Pulse!" I sent a powerful blast of water in the direction of the man but he just jumped out of the way "of course they're pathetic they live in the forbidden realm for christs sake, they're as worthless as the mud on the bottom of my shoe" I'm sorry but did he just call them as worthless as the mud on the bottom of his shoe? He's comparing these towns people to the mud on his shoe, comparing Yuno to it?!

"How could you say that?! These people have to work harder than anyone else to live, they're the furthest thing from pathetic! SO TAKE THAT BACK!" the man started chucking once again "that struck a nerve I see.. how amusing, I wonder if that passion can save you from my attacks! Illusion Magic: Worst Nightmare!" I was waiting for an attack but it never came, instead my vision started blurring and I fell to the ground, I can't stop, not now! I need to protect Mosa and the townspeople!

Everything around me started changing "y/n.." no way.. I turned around "mom?" tears attacked my face, "what's wrong y/n?"
I had now come to the realization of where i was.. I was in my room back at the castle but I don't understand.. how exactly did I get here?
"How.. how are you here, you're suppose to be dead.. so how?" she came and hugged me and as I hugged her back she spoke again "you.. you killed me y/n!!" "what.." i pushed myself off her and her eyes were red, and had blood pouring out of them "you're the reason i'm dead.. it's all your fault, EVERYTHING IS YOUR FAULT" my eyes widened in fear "how.. wha- what did i do?.. I- Im sorry?" The door to my bedroom opened this time it was my dad but my mom had disappeared.

"Y/n, where's your mother?" "she-she.. she's dead" A hand swung against my face "I hate you! I hate that you look like her, you remind me of her everyday! JUST DIE ALREADY! Creation Magic: Whip!" A whip struck my body over and over again as tears continued streaming down my face "someone.. anyone.. help me" slowly my eyes closed and I accepted the whipping.

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