Chapter 8

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We all sat around the dinner table as the priest and sister Lily brought out multiple dishes of pot potatoes.

"I take it these are Hage villages famous pot potatoes?" Salim enquired, The priest held his hands infront of him "yes they are, I don't know if they'll be quite up to the standard of your noble tastes but we hope you'll atleast find them adequate" Salim sniffed the potatoes.

I gently stood up and bowed "thank you for making these for us, i bet they taste wonderful" sister Lily waved her hands "no need to thank us honestly!" I smiled at her and took some cash out of my pocket "here, as a thank you" the priests eyes widened "no we can't possibly take that!" I shook my head "i insist, you went through the trouble of making so much to feed us all, please take it" sister Lily gently nodded "thank you" I handed her the money "don't be silly, i'm the one thanking you here, now let's all dig in!"

Salim rose a singular potato to his mouth and took a small bite "incredible.. it's so crumbly, in fact i don't think i've ever tasted something so dry" he then rose a glass of water to his mouth "and yet.. it's so tasty" a smile appeared on the priests face "i'm so glad to hear it! There's more than enough for everyone, don't hesitate to eat as much as you like" Klaus sighed "yes, thank you" Mimosa took a bite "oh wow, it really does dry one's mouth out" the priest nodded "yes quite extraordinary isn't it? Our boys Yuno and Asta both sent home wages yesterday, thanks to them we were able to buy a huge supply of pot potatoes, enough to make sure all the children here have full bellies everyday" my eyes widened "what? Sent money?" "yes we were so grateful" "how come we got paid so early? Also how come I didn't get any? It's because I was ill right? They thought i didn't deserve it.." Yuno turned to me "actually they gave it to me, they didn't want to go near you because you were sick so it's in my room" my mood suddenly lifted "really? Yay!" "and about getting money so early" Klaus started "everyone in the Golden Dawn gets paid equally, no matter what jobs are done and who does them the pay given to us is split evenly throughout everyone so no one feels the job they did was less important than others. It just happened to be pay day yesterday" I nodded "thank you for informing me of that Klaus" Salim grinned at me "my, my so polite, that just makes you more attractive my dear" "creepy.." Nash whispered.

I took a piece of the pot potato pie and dug in with my fork carefully taking a bite.. "this is wonderful thank you!" "it is?" the priest asked questioningly "of course, obviously it's pretty dry but you can tell by the flavoring, how well it's presented and the multiple dishes made that you really put effort into making them, i've never had pot potatoes before but i'm assuming these are much better than most!" sister Lilys face softened "that's so nice of you to say!" "of course!"

Sister Lily sat down along with the priest to join us for food "so you must be so proud about Yuno and Asta joining the magic knights!" the priest ecstatically nodded at me "indeed we are! Of course with Yuno we had no doubt he'd make it into the Magic Knights but Astas a different story!" "yeah.. he kind of struggles in the magic department" Recca agreed "he worked really hard though!" little Aruru chimed in "so did Yuno" Nash mumbled "that so? I seen Asta fight back in the magic knight exam and he completely destroyed the guy he was up against, Sekke was it?" I asked Yuno "yeah.." "I remember him" Salim chimed in "he was close to you in the exam wasn't he darling?" I raised an eyebrow "was he? I wasn't paying much attention, I was mostly focused on Asta and Yuno if not myself"

"So you met them at the Magic Knight exam?" Sister Lily asked "actually no.. I kinda bumped into Yuno before we even neared the colosseum" Yuno looked off to the side "so clumsy.." I giggled "you're right about that.. but him and Asta were so close!" Nash furrowed his brows "really?" Yuno blankly looked at him "no" "not true, he was jumping on your back and everything" Sister Lily giggled "darling maybe I should give you a piggy back ride" "Salim, don't you think it's partially late for a piggy back ride?" Mimosa answered for me "I agree, in fact we should be heading off soon" Klaus added "Oh come on Klaus we haven't finished food yet" "fine but after this we're leaving"

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