Chapter 13

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I woke up yawning, as my eyes adjusted to the surroundings around me i had noticed that i was the only one who was left sleeping.

Huh, that's strange, where was everyone else?

"Klaus, good job!"

Was that Mimosa?

I made my way downstairs and found Klaus cooking with Mimosa, they were actually getting along.

"Good morning guys"
Mimosa turned around while Klaus continued on cooking. "It's way past morning sleepy head" I scratched the back of my head "really?" she nodded "yeah that's why we're making food, it's not as late as we had it yesterday but after we eat we're gonna go get the rest of the bandits!" i scanned the rest of the kitchen.. it was just her and Klaus.

"So.. where's Yuno and Miss Yumi?" she turned around back to Klaus "Miss Yumi went out and Yuno wanted to go with her" he did? strange.

I went and sat by the table and played with my magic, making mini storm clouds infront of me and making different shapes out of water.

"We're back!" the door opened to reveal Miss Yumi and Yuno.

Mimosa took off her apron and greeted them. "Welcome back! We've almost finished making food so go join y/n by the table" I then heard a jump "she's awake?" "yeah!" then footsteps ran in my direction until I saw an ecstatic Yuno by the doorway "y/n!" I gave him a confused look, why was he so excited to see me? "hi Yuno!" he stuffed his hand into his bag and pulled out an Aster flower.

He extended his hand infront of me "for you!" "you got me this?" he shyly nodded "yeah! You were down last night and earlier on I seen an Aster flower on the desk upstairs in bad shape so I asked Minosa about it and she told me you wanted it a few days ago.." he looked away from me "I wanted to get you a new one to cheer you up is all" my heart completely melted, he got these to me because I was sad? Although it was completely ironic how I got one for him to remind him of Asta and then he gets one for me to cheer me up.. though Asta just reminds me of that awful purple snake. Even still.. no one's ever gotten me flowers or anything for that matter just because I was upset..

".." he frowned "you don't like it do you?" my eyes brightened "I'm sorry I should've answered sooner don't be mistaken Yuno, I love it. This means a lot to me thank you!" he once again cheered up and took his place by the table.

After we had all eaten it was finally time to find the last two bandits.

"You're taking them with you?" Mimosa nodded "we aren't planning on coming back after finding the two bandits so it's only natural that we'd take them with us" Miss Yumi glanced at the boys "and what about those two, their still children" I followed her actions and looked at them "don't worry about them, they have us after all, neither me or Mimosa will let anything happen to them and besides the transformation spell should wear off soon"
Miss Yumi looked down "thank you for all you've done for us Magic Knight, you're welcome back here anytime!" I bowed "thank you for having us Miss Yumi and the rest of you, thank you for being so kind to us. We'll be sure to visit if we're nearby. Farewell!" Mimosa waved while Klaus and Yuno were trying to figure out how to use their brooms. I placed my hands over theirs "don't worry about them, you can ride on one of my clouds"

I had made two clouds, one to carry the bandits and another for Yuno and Klaus whereas I was riding a broom. Before we took off however I had asked Mimosa to create a California Poppie to act as a sedative to our captured bandits, ensuring they wouldn't wake up and disturb us when we were dealing with the other bandits.

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