Chapter 10

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It had been a week after our first mission and I was on my way to speak to Mimosa.

"Mosa!" I ran over to her "Mosa?" I nodded and tilted my head "i'm sorry, it's rude of me to assume we're on nickname basis" she shook her hands "no no Mosa is perfect! As long as I can call you
n/n that is!" I eagerly nodded "of course! Now let's go!" she looked at me confused "go where?" "shopping of course! Klaus told me you weren't busy today" a smile appeared on her face "right! I need to quickly brush my teeth then we can go" "great!"

Me and Mimosa was walking through Kikka or castle town as people referred to it as.

"So where too first?" I looked around "I actually needed some clothes, I kind of forgot to bring some with me" I rubbed the back of my neck. It's not that I forgot actually it's more like it would be suspicious if my clothes disappeared from the castle so I couldn't take anything except one change of clothes.

"I know a clothes shop we can go to, let's go!" she gripped my arm and pulled me through the hoards of people. As I watched her smile as she dragged me through the crowds of people I couldn't help but also smile, the only friend I ever had was Lucy so being here with another girl friend going shopping for the first time ever made this special to me, Mimosa was special to me, regardless of thinking I was a commoner she was always friendly to me despite being royalty, Lucy would love her, I definitely have to introduce them in the future that way we can all go shopping together!

"We're here!" I snapped back into reality as we stood infront of a really nice looking shop "what are you waiting for?!" she pulled me into the shop. "Hello madam Vermillion, what can I help you with today?" Mosa waved to the woman behind the counter "my friend here" she motioned to me "she needs some new clothes" the woman behind the counter smirked "where's her money?" Mosa nodded towards her as a way of saying 'give her your money' so i handed her my small pouch of money i got from our first day of being Magic Knights, I'd save what I had left from the palace for food throughout the month.

"There's quite a lot here, let me get a good look at you, give me a twirl" I twirled in a circle slowly, showing off every aspect of me, she nodded "hm, yes.. you're very beautiful. Fare skin, white hair, clothes need to match with your Magic Knights robe. Hmm colours to go with white.. mostly everything.. i'm thinking red and black clothes.. scatter in some blues, maybe one or two pink and purple and some browns.. ah yes. Perfect! I'll be right back" the woman disappeared into the back room.

"You come here a lot I take it?" "yeah, I love Miss Requel, she has a good eye for fashion, i've never been unhappy with an outfit she's chosen for me. You want clothes? This place is perfect!" I smiled at her enthusiasm "thanks for the promotion madam Vermillion" Miss Requel came from the back with several outfits and she stuffed them into my chest "try these, they should be perfect for you, there's a room right over there" she pointed to a corner with a curtain hanging "there's a mirror in there for you to check yourself out which trust me you'll be doing in these outfits" i bowed "thank you so much!" I followed her instructions and took the outfits into the dressing room.

First i tried on some combat boots with a brown skirt, and a red frilly top with puffed sleeves, the breast section had been made out of a white silk, and i had to say I did look good, Miss Requel was right, I couldn't help but check myself out, for once in i couldn't remember when I actually felt pretty, free and happy all at once. I smiled at myself and proceeded to try on the other outfits.

I walked out of the room with the most cheerful face "you were right, I love all of them!" Miss Requel shrugged and crossed her arms "of course dear, let me get you a bag for you to carry those" "thank you once again!" "of course child" she brought a bag back for me allowing me to place the new clothes in. I waved 'bye' as I walked out of the shop with Mimosa. She clasped her hands together "isn't she just great!" "she is, that was much easier than I imagined it to be!" we smiled happily at eachother, she grabbed my hands, locking them with her own "we're friends right?" my eyebrows raised in surprised "what? Of course we are!" she closed her eyes shut "good! So how about we go for some food now?" "go for food?" "yeah, how about it?" I started running "i'm way ahead of you!" she started running to catch up to me "where are you going?!" "I don't know!" I giggled.

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