Chapter 23

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I had packed my stuff and headed outside to join the others, oh let's not forget how long it took me to reach the others. 52 minutes. Yes the time is getting longer, no i don't want to talk about it.

I seen almost everybody outside and headed to talk to Charmie.

"Hi Charmie, where were you yesterday?" she turned to me while stuffing her face "I-gshhs was-hnom eating and- shwhnom cooking food" I could barely understand her through her eating.
"Everyone says you have amazing cooking! Would you bake or cook something for me one time please?" Her eyes sparkled "I'D LOVE TOO" Vanessa chuckled "she says that now but when the food is infront of her she won't be able to resist it~" Charmie dribbled "food.."

"All right gang, we ready to roll out?!!" I like Magna he's really cool.. I JUST WISH HE WOULDNT YELL THIS EARLY IN THE MORNING.

Gauche looked at a picture of his 'dear marie' "im so sorry my dearest marie I wish i could take you along to get a glimpse of the beach" I'm not even sure who Marie is to him anymore.. like is she a sister or is he just fond of this young girl he met? I hope it's the previous one..
Luck jumped infront of me lingering in the air "oh! oh! which one do you think is stronger a whale or a shark?"
I looked up for a moment in thought "hmm.. i'm not quite sure, i mean sure sharks are quite deadly put i certainly wouldn't believe a whale would go down without a fight"
Luck stared at me and then grinned "is this your way of asking me for a fight! Because if it is i'm ready!" i lightly shook my head "no i'm sorry! I don't want to fight you!"
there was a blissful moment of silence until you'll never guess who ruined it
You were correct
"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU TWO THINK YOU ARE DOING? DONT JUST PLOP YOUR BUTTS ON MY CRAZY CYLONE WITHOUT ASKING" I sighed and sulked. It was times like these where I missed my oh so peaceful members of the Golden Dawn.

Asta shut his eyes and scratched the back of his head "well i can't really fly so I kind of have to hitch a ride" Noelle flipped her hair to the side "same here or did you forget? What an idiot"
Magna bent his knees with his hands out "oh yeah Miss Priss, if you're going to be like that then get a ride from someone else!"
Noelle glared at him "a royal is riding with you, you should be more grateful commoner"
I walked behind 'Gordon' so I didn't have to get involved in the conversation, I was way too tired.
I yawned and made a cloud for me to rest on, surprisingly Charmie was also passed out on a cloud.
The rest of the conversations were fairly quiet.. until Magna again
"Alright Black Bulls the beach is waitin for us. CRAZY CYLONE MOVING OUT" Magna took off with the rest of the Black Bulls flying behind him including myself.

Apparently the town we were going to was the nearest to the underwater temple and would be great to gather information on according to Yami so who knows how reliable that information is but it's also said that royalty vacate here a lot.. I wonder if Mimosa has ever been here.

The whole journey I napped, I was excited to go the beach but I was more tired than anything.
I woke up and I was on some weird grains of yellow and there was a whole lot of blue, next to me was Vanessa who was laying on a chair underneath an umberella.
"You're finally awake?" I yawned and wiped an eye "yeah, I really needed that nap. Where are we?"
This time she turned to me "what are you- right you've never seen a beach before. Y/n we're here!"
I looked around at the 'beach' it was incredible. There was so many people!
I turned back to Vanessa "what am i laying on right now?" she looked beneath me "that's sand" she sighed not wanting to explain everything individually "that's the ocean" she pointed at the blue. Wow! It was like a large pond!
"Those are palm trees and.. that's it!" I stood up and examined everything. It was so warm and sunny here! "I hope you don't mind Vanessa but i'm going to have a look around" she yawned picking up her cocktail "sure go ahead"

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