Chapter 28

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"Y/n! Hi! Have you had any fights?!" Luck.. Luck he is something else, he's the most adorable yet violent person i've ever met. I walked to the middle where they were both waiting for me.

"I have actually!" I turned to Magna "I used it!!" "YA DID?!" Luck looked back and fourth at the both of us "used what?" we both just smiled at eachother, then at him "it's a secret" Luck frowned "everything's a secret with you guys.. why do you keep everything from me? Come on just tell me! Tell me! Tell me!" Me and Magna start walking away in a different direction "No guys! Wait for me!" Luck ran after us.  but bumped into us after we stopped.

"You can't just stop like that you guys!" I pointed towards what we saw "is that.. a temple warrior?" Luck pushed us both aside "IT IS, YES!" Luck ran towards us "NO FAIR!" Magna ran at him next. I sighed. As much as I didn't want them to race into the fight like that it did give me an opportunity to analyze the warriors magic.

Luck hit him with electricity but the warrior put up a shield "well, well aren't you a spunky little fella. Ha ha ha" I kept back and watched the fight.

After a few shots they looked a little tired.
Luck spoke to magna "this is getting fun, you look like you're getting tired though. You want to take a break?"

"yeah right,I could keep going all day if I needed too, but feel free to take a break if you need too" The guy laughed once again

"sorry about this, my old man really does like his games though" So the priest we met earlier on is this guys dad? What in the clover kingdom?

"That crazy old coot is your father?"

"i'll take you both on at once, i'm not interested in tormenting you any further, the least I could do is end this quickly. You at the back, I can't decide whether you want to fight me or run so you're okay for now. Water creation magic : Poseidons Hammer"

It's obvious to see that this guys has a crazy amount of magic power, I would even say he's the strongest mage who lives down here. I still believe Magna and Luck can handle him regardless of that.

"Magna, Luck I know you want to beat this guy but if you need to switch out so I can swiftly heal your injuries please do!"
They both smiled at eachother and laughed
"We got this y/n!" They both run at him when the warrior gets attacked from elsewhere, filling the room with smoke.

I put my guard up, that was a really strong attack of magical power, this doesn't bode well for us. It has to be another warrior doesn't it?

"Well it looks like you folks are having quite a get together" The smoke revealed a monstrous looking man and several cloaked men. These guys.. they had to be members of the eye of the midnight sun right? We were not only out numbered but I have no idea what type of magic this guy has or how powerful it is and by the looks on Magna and Lucks face they don't either..

"how about you guys let me into the mix"

Back at the Golden Dawn
Yuno, Mimosa and Klaus were eating food together in the hall.
"I know i've said this multiple times already however I'm gonna have a long strict chat with our dear princess when she gets home" Mimosa giggled "Klaus we have to believe in her" he caved "but Mimosa, reason with me here it's been over a week. What type of mission needs a whole squad and takes a week?" Yuno felt a shiver go up his spine and he lightly slammed the table "Yuno?" Both Mimosa and Klaus looked at him in concern "what's wrong?" he looked down at his lunch "i'm worried" Klaus nodded "see Mimosa i'm not the only ones who worrie- Annoyed" "Of course i'm worried but Yuno.. you were the one who said we needed to believe in he-" "I know what I said but I.. I just had a chill and I have a really bad feeling.."

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