Chapter 27

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I rapidly turned around "Who's there?!" Footsteps echoed the caves until a body finally stepped out of the shadows.

It was one of the temple warriors, he was wearing a rather ugly fish mask.
I wasn't hoping to run into one this quickly, I wanted to come up with a strategy first.. although, I guess a strategy would be hard considering I don't know what type of magic this guy has huh?

"I guess this means we have to fight, thought it would be a shame if I had to hurt someone as pretty as yourself"

I lightly turned pink, what's with everyone today?

I got into a fighting stance "I was really hoping we could get what we needed and leave without any violence.." I sighed "I'm sorry.. but i'm gonna hurt you now" I unhooked my grimoire and opened the pages, but as I looked out the person infront of me was gone.. wher-
He kicked my legs and swooped me off my feet causing me to hit the floor pretty hard.. ouch.
I got up angrily "that was so rude, my turn!" the temple warrior kept darting around, i'm guessing he had a type of speed magic.. this is new.

I kept looking around trying to pinpoint my enemy, when I thought I had found him I attacked.

"Weather Magic: Lightning Shock!" My magic shot straight towards him, Got him! The smoke cleared, there was no temple warrior in sight, what? "Speed magic: Lightning fast combo!" I instantly got attacked from every direction.. what's going on?
It's no use.. I can't see him, If i can't see him how will I attack..

I took a second to breathe, within two seconds he was hitting me again.. this is useless.. wait, I completely forgot..
Maybe I should it?.. It may be too risky.. I'll go for the other one.. I haven't practiced this spell before but If it goes the way I think it's suppose to, it doesn't matter whether I can see my opponent or not, it should hit them.

While the temple warrior was circling me I practiced my breathing, I focused on my mindset rather than how much mama was surrounding me. I flipped through the pages of my grimoire and landed on the attack.

I absorbed the mama around me and channeled all my thoughts into thinking of the temple warrior.

"weather magic: SOLAR RAIN!" I glowed a light orange colour as several beams of light targeted him, he tried to out run the rays of light but did not succeed. I wiped a singular drop of sweat off of my forehead.. that definitely took longer than it needed too. I walked over to the temple warrior, he had passed out and had a few cuts and bruises. I never wanted to fight..
"Healer magic: help" th

I bet you're confused right, when did I suddenly get new spells like this and since when could I use sun based magic powers? Well it all started when I asked Magna for help..

Flashback- 1 week ago

"So what did ya need help with that's so secret?" I frowned then grinned "something that If i pull off may be my ultimate move.."
"Ultimate move? SOUNDS COOL" I nodded, he calmed down for a second "but why did you need my help?" I scratched the back of my neck "This is so embarrassing.. but I.. I"
"spit it out would ya?"
I looked down and played with my fingers "I'm having a really hard time controlling my magic.."
He cocked up a brow and laughed "what are you talking about? You can control your magic perfectly fine, now Noelle, she's the one who can't control her magic"
I shuffled
"I can't.. I can't control the sun part of my magic, it's like every time i've tried to use it in the past I get severe burns like the sun is rejecting me"
Magna laughs
My eyes lit up "really?"
he nodded confidently
"please help me Magna i'd really appreciate it!"
he looked at me questioningly "what did you call me?"
I bowed "sorry, I meant please help me mentor"
Every day then on Magna helped me with my magic.

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