Chapter 25

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Today was the day, the day we'd be visiting the underwater temple. The day of the full moon. I had a really bad headache, like I felt ill and had a small migraine but there was nothing physically wrong with me.. but it's fine i can ignore it.

"Y/n?" I turned around and was greeted with Yami "Hi Yami!" he sighed and gestured me to follow him outside so I followed him.

For awhile he watched the waves go back and fourth before he finally spoke to me "i've been meaning to ask this for awhile but your dad, he hurt you didn't he?"
my body became stiff "I-.. how do you know.." he pulled out a cigarette "Im a Magic Knight Captain ya know? I visited your uncles castle a lot for meetings with the wizard king and it's needless to say but the servants in both castles gossip.. why didn't ya tell me kid? I could have stuck up for ya" I looked down "It's not something one just brings up, especially to you, you were his best friend I can't imagine you'd believe me straight away and anyways.. he's still one of the kings isn't he? No offense to my uncle but he's not the brightest person in the clover kingdom, so some peoples only hope is in my dad.. to protect the country.. it would be selfish of me to ruin people's lives just because he was rough with me a few times"
Yami knelt down to talk to me as if was a young child "kid.. Me and your dads friendship started because I was friends with your mother, after she died we both parted ways, it was hard on both of us but I should've considered how hard it would be on you. I lost my friend but you lost your mother.. must have been tough. Y/n.." he turns to me "I used to respect your father which is why I didn't want to give you the option to join my magic knight squad, just because i respected him doesn't mean I cared more for him than I did for you. I would have believed you. You were my absolute favorite, did I not bring you presents every time I came to visit you? I mean hearing you shout 'uncle Yami' every time I came over made me happy.. don't tell the rest of the squad I said that ya got it? Or i'll kill ya" I giggled "I wont" he ruffled my hair "you mean a lot to me kid, more than ya know I hope you come to realize that" he started walking away, I took two steps forward in the direction he walked "You mean a lot to me too.. uncle Yami" he stopped for a split second, then continued walking. Little did I know, he walked away with a genuine smile.

Throughout the rest of the day everyone was pretty excited, most of us had never been to a beach never mind an underwater temple, it's fair to say Asta was the most energetic but that's nothing new. The whole day was pretty much spent packing our belongings and eating. I felt bad for Mosa, Klaus and Yuno, I know I said i'd write to them but I haven't found any birds nearby to deliver any letters.. .. Other than.. dare I say it..
But I hate them okay? So I'm not going near one ever.. So the thing is at first I thought they were adorable, ugly but adorable so I was trying to pet one and it bit my hand.. You'd think that would be the end of it wouldn't you? You're wrong it wasn't, his seagull friend thought it would be hilarious to poop on my head..

stupid seagulls i swear one day i'll- nevermind~ I'm a princess remember? I have to stay cool, calm and collected.

We all gathered at the beach, I had a really bad feeling about the temple.. I've been so energetic and happy all week but now that we're about to go there i'm kind of scared. You know how everything's great, almost too great and then something really bad happens? I feel like that..
I lightly dropped my belongings to the sand below me, cupped my Aster necklace and closed my eyes.

Wish me luck you guys, I think i'm gonna need it..


" HOW DARE SHE, OH ME AND HER ARE GOING TO HAVE A SMALL CHAT ABOUT HER BEHAVIOR WHEN SHE GETS BACK. I MEAN THE LAST THING ANY OF US HEARD FROM HER WAS THAT LETTER YUNO GOT, SHE HAS SOME NERVE" Mosa chuckled nervously "there, there Klaus calm down. I'm sure she's okay.." he turned to her with a finger in the air "OKAY? OKAY? HOW WOULD WE KNOW MIMOSA? THIS GIRL WHO IS SUPPOSE TO ACT LIKE A PRINCESS, MIGHT I ADD HASN'T EVEN BOTHERED CONTACTING US IN A WEEK TODAY" Mimosa looked down "I suppose i'm kind of worried too but let's not overreact, I mean she can handle herself and with Asta and the Black Bulls captain there too.. I'm sure they're just busy is all" Klaus gripped Mimosa by the shoulders "BLACK BULLS CAPTIAN? MIMOSA THE BLACK BULLS.. other than Asta of course.. ahem.. ARE BARBARIC" Mimosa sighed "I know Noelles bad but she's not that bad" "IM NOT TALKING ABOUT NOELLE, THEYRE THE WORST MAGIC KNIGHT SQUAD BECAUSE THEY DONT CARE ABOUT DOING THEYRE JOBS" Yuno finally interrupted the two and chopped both of their heads.

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