Chapter 15

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It was now time to announce the reveal of the princess, or me to the public. I was now waiting in a room behind a balcony ready for my father and my uncle to announce me. I was preparing my fake smile, to pretend to all the people of the Clover Kingdom that I was their picture perfect princess. Truth be told I was far from it. I'm a runaway, i'm selfish, i'm disobedient, i'm trouble and i don't deserve friends. Atleast that's what i've gathered from my father. Today however me and my dad had to portray a healthy relationship to our people.

"Now, put your hands together for the princess of the Clover Kingdom. My daughter Y/n"

The double doors infront of me opened to reveal hundreds maybe even thousands of people staring up at the balcony my father and uncle were on, that i'd soon walk out to be on all in anticipation too see their princess.

As I stepped onto the balcony the crowd erupted into cheers and claps, i plastered a smile onto my face and elegantly waved at random people in the crowd.

My father picked up a tiara that was sat on top of a plump red pillow. He walked towards me and placed it onto my head making the crowd go insane. Was this really that big of a deal? I know I had been hidden for the last 3 years but regardless of that it was just my father placing a tiara on top of my head.

My uncle and father bowed, I curtsied and we headed back inside. My uncle and dad were taking about something, it was rather strange because if you looked at my father you would assume that their conversation was rather serious yet if you looked at my uncle you'd think quite the opposite.

I approached them and lightly down tilted my head "may I be excused?" My uncle nodded but my father raised his hand "head to my office, I wish to talk to you. I will not be long" So as he requested I headed to his office guided by some of the castle guard.

I entered his office and waited in front of his desk patiently. The door cracked open and my father walked through it, closing the door behind him.

He walked slowly up to me before stopping directly infront of me.

"So.. you love your magic knight friends a lot? You wanna be one?" my eyes lit up "yeah!" as my face lit up his only darkened "I guess you should get the full experience then..Creation Magic: Sword!" what's he going to do with that? Knight me? "this is how Magic Knights are treated y/n, it'd do you well to remember" he raised the sword. His eyes looked straight into mine. He straightened the sword and pierced a hole through my left arm.

"argh.." i held my arm in excruciating pain as blood dripped out of my arm.

"that's nothing.. that Magic Knight captain lost his arm, you merely got stabbed in it. Don't cry y/n, you can heal it remember? This is the fate that awaits you as a Magic Knight"

No.. this is the fate that awaits me as his daughter..

I ran out of his office in tears, ignoring anyone who tried asking me what was wrong. I headed straight for my room and slammed the door shut.

I sat on my bed with my grimoire open infront of me.. boy this kills.. I hovered my hand over the hole in my arm as tears fell from my eyes.

"Healers magic: Internal patch" This would stop the bleeding and close up the wound but it stung.. it stung real bad.

I clutched my stomach after healing my arm.. it felt as if I was gonna throw up, I never was the best at dealing with blood..

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