Chapter 29

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"This is going to be fun!"

The monster guy ran towards Luck and attempted to hit him with the same bear claw spell as before but this time Luck just laughed, dodged the attack and struck him back. I focused the healing spell on Luck as he was the one who was fighting rather than waste my magic on Magna when he wasn't.

"Hmm, you leave yourself open for just a second. I knew I seen that before"

"GO LUCK, YOU GOT THIS!" I looked around to see if anyone took notice and forced my hand to cover my mouth in embarrassment.

"It seems you're fast enough to take advantage of that opening. You have keen perception and incredible speed i'll grant you that"

"Oh man my thunder bolt destruction didn't have any effect on him it all"

"I can play with you a while longer" He goes to hit him with his bear claw once again but Luck darts around him making him unable to be struck.

I know this guy is strong and all but is he gonna use a spell other than bear claw, it's getting old now.

Luck and the monster punch each other at the same time, nobody gets hurt but Luck bounced back in retreat so he didnt get hit by his bear claw.

Luck ran across the walls of the cave with the monstrous man chasing after him.
The man goes to hit him but Luck dodges by a hair. Luck flew back and sent electrical strikes towards him. The other guy dodged them and sent attacks in the shape of rocks back at him.

I turn to Magna while still keeping the healing effect on Luck.
"I had no idea that Luck was this incredible" Magna nodded "he's insane in a battle, he takes it serious as hell, but even i'm a little shocked that he's on par with the other guy right now" We both looked at Luck fighting in astonishment.

Luck breaks through the rocks and goes to kick him but the monstrous guy punches him at the same time. Dust rises from the impact of the attacks. They constantly fire attacks at each other.

Magna looks at the battle longingly. I slapped his back "go. Get in there with him, I can tell you're dying too, just don't be too reckless okay?" He nodded with a grin "Got it!"

Magna runs towards them both "You better not be even thinking about leaving me behind ya jerkkk! Flame creation magic: Grand Slam! Yes right out of the park! Ha ha!" He hits a fireball with the sword he pulls out of his grimoire, the fireball depressed into several fireballs.

A smile appeared on my face, I don't think i've ever seen these guys fight seriously together like this, so adorable. I mean they're always acting silly with each other, arguing and messing around but the love they have for each other is as clear as day. This guy better start getting scared! I now focused the healing spell equally on them both.

"Hey nice one Magna, here let me help you!" They sent a combo attack towards the enemy.

"Come on Magna, you can do better than that can't ya?!"

The monster guy hits Luck right into Magna.

"That wasn't a bad catch fire ball freak!"

"Who are you calling a freak?! Now get off me lightning boy!"

"If you two are done playing can we finish this?"

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