Chapter 30

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Yunos Pov

Captain Vangeance?"
The captain of the golden dawn, our captain turned around to face us.

"Ah, Mimosa, Klaus, Yuno. What can I do for you?" he looks around "no y/n? Is she feeling ill?"

Mimosa looked down "that's just it sir, she still isn't back yet.."

Captain vangeance was taken aback. Something is off. "That can't be right, we seen the Black Bulls the other day didn't we?"

Klaus nodded "yes sir, we did.."

"This isn't good.. Yami didn't mention anything to me regarding her but I heard the mission was tough, indeed.. Maybe she returned back home?"

I raised an eyebrow, she wouldn't do that. She wouldn't. She hates it there, she'd rather be here so why isn't she? I left the others "Yuno, wait!"
"Yuno, come back this instant. You cant just rudely walk away from the captain"

I need to find her, something could be wrong.

Back with Klaus, Mimosa and Captain Vangeance.

"he's taking it quite hard is he?"
Mimosa shook her head "we all are sir, we haven't seen her in awhile now.. we're worried is all. We care about her"

Klaus raised his glasses from the bridge of his nose "she wrote one letter stating how excited she was and then nothing, and now she's not back yet? It is terribly worrying"

Vangeance nodded "i'll look into it to see what I can find. I'll come and find you if I hear anything"

Back with Yuno

I can't just completley rule out the castle, maybe her father forced her back there again. No, she wouldn't let him do that again. Or maybe she's there to see her uncle? I should go and look either way. I got one of the brooms and took it to the palace.

I snuck around, the castle was full of guards. Probably because of the recent activity of the eye of the midnight sun, smart.

I managed to not be noticed and went to the room where I found her last time. I landed on the balcony and knocked the window, no answer. I tried the door, it was open? I walked in and there was no one there, dust has been collecting on her desk. It had seemed as if no one has been in here for awhile.. so where could she be?

Asta wouldn't hide her from me would he? No.. it's Asta he definitely would, but she would have atleast sent us a letter or anything really..

I sighed with a frown, where could she be? She has to be somewhere she knows well or she wouldn't go, she hasn't been outside of the castle grounds for too long. It's getting late. I should return to headquarters for now. 

At headquarters

I rested the broom back up against the wall with the others and headed to my room.

"Yuno.. "

I turned around "Mimosa?"
"I'm really scared for y/n.. captain vangeance said he'll let us know if he finds out anything but she's been gone for too long now.. i'm getting worried"

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