Chapter 21

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It had been two days since I woke up in Yunos bed after he was ill. It was so cold. I changed into warm clothes and went for breakfast.

Yuno, Mimosa and Klaus were probably still in bed, looking outside it was still early and Yuno always woke up late. I sat down with my plate and started eating. It was so good! The food they serve here was definitely almost as good as the food they served in the palace, but I had to admit this was much better as I could chose what I wanted instead of getting it served to me.

I finished my food and disposed of my plate. "Excuse me y/n?" I turned to where the voice was coming from and was greeted with Captain William Vangeance. I bowed "hi captain, what can i help you with?" he walked closer to me until we were just about an arms length away from eachother.
"You've been requested by the Wizard King, now for what i'm not sure exactly however you are to accompany me to the Magic Knight meeting today, granted if you are free today" i nodded "I am actually, when do we need to go?" he looked directly into my eyes "we leave immediately, i'm actually already late" I looked around frantically "okaywaitholdonletmegrabmybag"
he smiled briefly and waited in place while i went to grab my bag. There wasn't much in it, I only grabbed it so i'd have money, this way I could stop in town before I came back!

I hurried back down to Captain Vangeance and told him I was ready to go. We made our way to his office where Langris was waiting "Langris, if you will?" he opened his grimoire and used his spatial magic to create a portal from us to the castle. I was desperately hoping I wouldn't run into my father here, that would be a nightmare to say the least..

We stepped through the portal and ended up in the castle, Marx face appeared in front of us "Princess Y/n please head to The Wizard Kings office, the maid directly inside the door in front of you will lead you to the room and William please go to the usual meeting room" The captain turned to me "I guess i'll be seeing you later" he waved and left me standing there stupidly. Right.. i'm suppose to go in.. What am i standing around for?! Let's go..

I followed Captain Vangeance into the building but he had already gone, the only person I could see was the maid Marx mentioned before.
"Sorry to impose but are you the woman who is supposed to be leading me to The Wizard Kings office?" she bowed "I am ma'am, please follow me" She started walking to the left, as I was walking around I realised that the hall way we were in started to feel familiar. I used to walk this way with my mother whenever we wanted to sneak away from everything and go visit the town.. I missed her so badly. I looked up as we were walking. I hope i'm doing you proud mother..

"We're here princess" i bowed "thank you, and please don't call me princess, call me y/n instead i insist" she lowered her head "that would be an honour y/n, i'll be leaving now" I waved to her as she walked away. I looked around, I wonder how long i'll be waiting her for.
A mere five minutes had passed and I was so bored, it had felt as if i'd been there for hourss.
Out of nowhere the sound of footsteps echoed through the hall way, my eyes shot to where the footsteps were coming from..
it was dad..
I looked down as he walked past me.. he didn't even acknowledge my existence. How could he just pretend i didn't exist.. i was his daughter right? I deserve better don't i?
I'm not just going to let him ignore me like that.
"Dad.." he continued walking "Dad!" i stood in the middle of the hall way facing him. He stopped in his tracks. "For a second there I thought I heard something, hm. Must be a bug" he shrugged and continued on walking. I ran to him stopping him from proceeding "you can't just ignore me and pretend I don't exist dad!" he stared at me with an emotionless expression, but it wasn't the warm emotionless expression i got so used to seeing Yuno wear, it was cold, heartless one. "Who said I was pretending? You. Don't. Exist" My eyes widened. How could he say that?..What happened to him? He used to be so loving when I was younger..
"but dad I-.." he pushed me to the side "move pest, never bother me again" I looked at floor with my fists balled until he disappeared, once he was gone I fell to my knees.. I just wanted him to be an actually dad to me again.. I was willing to look past everything he had done.. all the pain he'd caused me to be a family again.. that's what mum would've wanted..

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