Chapter 33

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After clearing out all the game stalls, we moved on to the regular stalls of weird items, antiques and all things alike. There were some beautiful items, some crazy looking items and even some things that I could have never imagined from different kingdoms. I wanted absolutely everything, if not for Klaus and Yuno I would have went home with a castle full of items.

Due to that fact, Klaus gave me a limit of one item, but how was I suppose to pick just one.. in the end I unfortunately couldn't decide what to buy and bought nothing.

Mimosa wasn't exactly the best influence either, she was practically convincing me to buy everything I looked at saying 'so what you might as well buy it, you're royalty y/n' she even offered to buy things for me which was sweet of her but I couldn't let her do that..

After the shop like stalls we moved on to food, after eating we'd have to head to the front of the castle where they'd be announcing the squad who'd earned the most stars. Klaus was confident that we'd win, well for the most part that is, he kept asking yuno for reassurance that the Golden Dawn squad would win.

If I was being honest I was fairly confident in us too, even though there was a few times I took a leave of absence from the squad such as when my dad took me back to the palace and when I was hiding out at Lucy's home, I was sure that our squad did some amazing things this year.

"Now everyone, we have to hurry up and get something to eat or we'll be late" Klaus looked at me in particular. "Why are you looking at me?" I frowned "because you're the one who's always late to things or gets lost which frankly is not nearly good enough!" Mimosa giggled, covering her mouth with her hand "he has a point y/n, you do need to work on your punctuality a little bit" I looked to Yuno. He nodded. "They're right.. an unpunctual princess, who would've thought?" I bowed my head "i'm sorry guys, i'll be more punctual in the future. I promise."
Klaus sighed "you better be or there'll be severe consequences. Now, we've been discussing this for long enough, quickly get something to eat. Everyone has 10 minutes to buy and eat something!" I went off quickly with Mimosa to find something to eat and Klaus went with Yuno.

We met back up 10 minutes later after we'd eaten and started walking to the castle.
I was walking with Yuno once again.

"I've been meaning to ask you this, are you okay with being back at the castle after everything that happened?" I looked to the castle that we were approaching.. I was guessing that he meant everything that had happened with my father.

"Yeah.. I think so, it's not so bad. Even though I have bad memories here with my father, I could never hate this castle, it's where I made all my precious memories with my mother after all" Yuno stopped and looked at me "even so, if you start to feel like you want to get out of here just say the word and we can leave" I gave him a soft smile.

It wasn't likely that I'd want to leave, I wanted to see everyone happy after we won, I wanted to celebrate with them but it was sweet that he said that regardless.

Klaus turned back "You two! Hurry up!" Mimosa also turned back "he's so stressed out about winning" Me and Yuno started to catch up with them.

"But you do think we're going to win though don't you? The Black Bulls have been making a real come back.." Yuno stifled a chuckle "of course we're going to win Klaus, as if we'd ever lose to the Black Bulls" Mimosa tucked a bit of hair behind her hair and agreed "we're superior to Noell- ahem I mean we're superior to the Black Bulls" I was thinking, was the Black bulls the only squad we had to worry about though?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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