Chapter 9

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The man beneath us suddenly gained a voice "did no one ever tell you that recklessness isn't the same as bravery? Yuno!" Yunos eyebrows raised slightly in confusion "he knows my name?" I rested my chin in between by index finger and my thumb "so then this confirms it" "confirms what?" Yuno asked "I'm pretty sure that these guys have been after you not Salim.."

The guy beneath us pulled out his grimoire and started shooting rock spikes out of the ground at us. Me and Yuno swiftly dodged all of the rock spikes and landed on the ground. Together we pulled out our grimoires "Towering Tornado!" "Water Pulse" our magic attacks converged together creating a water tornado that headed straight towards the man knocking him back into a rock wall causing him to pass out.

"That's one down" I put out both of my hands for Yuno to hit "high five!" "are we really doing this?" I glared at him "do it!" he hit his hands against mine creating a loud slapping noise.

Yuno frowned "if they didn't know we were here before they know now" I rolled my eyes "don't be silly, they've been expecting us" we walked passed the knocked out man "exactly what do you mean by that?" I looked at him "when they first attacked us, they didn't appear to be after Salim, it's like they were after you. Klaus seemed to realise it too" he stopped and looked back at me "then why would they capture sister Lily?" I looked at the ground and hesitantly looked back at Yuno "this may sound crazy but if I had to guess, i think Salim could be behind it" he raised an eyebrow "Salim?" I nodded and continued walking "it makes sense doesn't it? He asked for you out of the blue, he's been trying to get to know you, he was the one who suggested stopping at the village" Yuno followed behind me "but why would he put in all this effort just because of me?" I looked around, still looking for the other four men we saw previously "you embarrassed him. Nobles can be really fragile with their egos and you probably shattered his when you beat him in the Magic Knight exam, this could be his way of having revenge. Or i could just be supremely stupid and overthinking it all" he stopped me "don't doubt yourself, I believe you" I looked into his eyes "really? Klaus called me foolish when i suggested the same idea to him.." "Klaus is wrong, it does add up, let's not worry about that for now though. We need to find sister Lily" I nodded "right!" As I spoke a large water wall appeared around us, trapping us "i'm not necessarily gonna kill ya so don't worry, this might hurt a little bit though so sorry. You're really quite clever for figuring out what really has been going on" the water absorbed us and took us into the air in a sphere of water.

"Now you'll drown" As we got taken into the air Yuno pulled out his grimoire in the nick of time, using his magic to allow us to breath "I don't know what you're talking about, we can breath just fine" I looked at Yuno in awe "that was great Yuno!" he opened up the bottom of the ball letting us drop out while also turning the water ball into a water tornado.

I hovered my grimoire in front of me but Yuno put out his arm to stop me from attacking "i'll handle him, you go look for the other guys!" my eyes lingered on Yuno for a few seconds, he was serious. "Okay! Don't take too long finishing him off!" "got it" I ran off letting Yuno finish the man off, I knew he could easily defeat him, I'd just hope the person i'd have to fight is a good match up against my magic.

I ended up walking through a forest, it was so creepy! It was nighttime and it was like the trees were looking at me, I looked downwards and seen around 30 footprints.. that can't be right. I looked up in confusion and a knife came flying at me. I flung myself to the side and rolled on the ground when around  another 20 knifes came flying at me "SALT WATER DOME" A large barrier of water surrounded me barely stopping the knifes from piercing my body "that was way too close.." i mumbled to myself.

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