Chapter 18

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Mimosa looked around her "This is Preika? For a town in the Common realm it's a little run down" I tilted my head "it's not that bad is it? It looks normal too me" Klaus stepped infront of me "sorry princess but for a town in the common realm Mimosa is correct this town does seem awfully neglected. I thought we were in the forsaken realm when i first seen it" i frowned and glanced at Yuno "klaus!" Yuno shook his head "no it's alright even I think it looks more like it belongs in the forsaken realm"
Hold on i've only just realised, i'm sure Klaus called me princess just now.. but i'm not gonna call him out on it just incase i imagined it.
"So where do we start?" I asked, "let's ask around" we all nodded at Mosa's suggestion and split up to ask where the bar was.

A kind looking woman walked past me after we split up so I had to decided to ask her about the bar.
"Excuse me, ma'am?" I lightly patted her shoulder "yes dear?" she turned around and gasped "oh my clover, you're the princess" she graciously bowed "it's a pleasure to meet you" i smiled lightly at her kindness.
I waved my hands infront of me "no, no. Please don't worry about being formal with me, I'm so sorry for disturbing you but I was wondering if you could answer a question for me?" my eyes flickered to her bag as she pulled it further up her shoulder "of course princess, what do you want to know?" I locked eyes with her "do you know where i could find the bar here by any chance?" she raised a hand to her mouth and chuckled "my, my, i'm an old woman dear i tend to avoid indulging with the boorish men that go to the bars here so i steer clear of them" I'm such an idiot, I didn't even think about that before, why would this lovely elderly women have any reason to go to the bar.
The old lady interrupted my thinking "but I do happen to know that there are three bars in town, their names are 'The Green Grotto bar,' 'Marvs Moonlit Outpost' and lastly 'The Red Lion' May I ask why you want to know princess? You don't seem like the type to get involved in bars" That many? I didn't know bars were so common! I need to spend more time in the common and forsaken realms.
I shook my head "please don't get the wrong idea, this is actually a mission for me and my friends in the Golden Dawn" her mouth gaped open "i didn't realise you were apart of a Magic Knight squad dear, I appreciate your service" she bowed once again "of course ma'am, I love being apart of the Magic Knights. The Golden Dawn feels like home too me" she nodded "I understand, well thank you for risking your life to protect us. Now dear I should really be getting these groceries back to my wife" My eyebrows raised, It's fair to say I was surprised, same sex couples weren't that common in the Clover Kingdom currently. Although I was surprised I couldn't have been more overjoyed for her, it may be rare to see same sex couples but it makes me so happy when I do see one. My eyes soon softened.
"Please stay safe dear, farewell" I bowed "thank you so much for your help" we both waved to eachother and went our separate ways.

"Did anyone find anything?" I asked, Mosa nodded "I actually found out where a bar called 'The Red Lion' is" Klaus sighed "unfortunately the direction I went in led to a school and the kids obviously had no information of interest" I tapped his back "that's okay Klaus, I actually found out that there are three bars in this town. I gotta know are bars this common?" Mosa placed her chin in between her fingers "I suppose so, I've actually already tried alcohol" Klaus pushed up his glasses "me too" Yuno kept his expression "That must be a nobility thing, alcohol is rather expensive in the forsaken realm so I have not tried it" I tried throwing my arm around him but failed miserably because of his height, I pretend to play it off making Mimosa snicker "me and you both Yuno! I actually haven't tried it either" Klaus frowned "You haven't?" I shook my head "nope" Mosa clasped her hands together "i'll have to invite you over for Christmas so you can both try some!" I grinned "sounds good!" Klaus placed one hand on his hip and his other he held out "just keep a limit on the alcohol consumption Mimosa, we don't need these two to get out of control. Now can we get back to the mission, did you find any information Yuno?" "yes, I know the exact bar where the illegal trading is happening" Klaus lowered his posture "I seriously wish you would've started with that" Mimosa nodded in agreement "he's right you should've said that first" Yuno blinked several times at them "you never gave me the chance" I look up thinking, he was right of course we never actually paused to hear what he found out, it's our own faults really.
I looked up at him "how did you even find that out Yuno?" he in return looked down at me "after helping an old man out he was more than happy to tell me a bit about the town" my whole face softened after hearing that, i bet he wasn't even looking for information at the time when he helped that man he's just that kind to offer his support.
"So what exactly did you find out Yuno?" "it appears that there's been a lot of aggressive people surrounding themselves with 'Marvs Moonlit Outpost' so the man i spoke to said that if there were any illegal operations happening in the bars it would be at that one" Klaus grinned "good job Yuno!" his eyes widened and he coughed "ahem! I mean sufficient work Yuno" Mosa looked at me and after a second of eye contact we started laughing "what are you two giggling at? Let's get going!" Klaus directed, we both saluted and followed him with Yuno following closely behind us.

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