Chapter 19

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After Yuno explained to me that the people who attacked the kingdom were the same ones that the members of the black bulls were fighting right now it was almost as if the alcohol had drained from my body.
"You're telling me that it's possible that Asta is fighting the same people who orchestrated the attack on the kingdom.. the same people that took fuegoleons arm?" Mimosa pushed her hair back and a worried expression spread across her face "we should hurry.. Asta.. Noelle.. all the Black Bull members could be in severe danger" Yunos expression didn't change "they'll be fine.. Asta will be fine, he's much stronger than he looks" Klaus pushed his glasses up from the tip of his nose "even so, we should hurry up just incase they do need our help"

Klaus turned back to me and Yuno  "we're getting close, y/n are you in a capable shape to fight if need be?" I shook my head and slapped my cheeks "i think i'll be just about okay, after the whole sun of the midnight eye information i've been brought back to reality.. mostly" Minosa giggled "why are you laughing?" "oh it's just that, it's eye of the midnight sun silly" i rested my forehead on my hand "my bad.. my head is still a little fuzzy.. while we're on the subject I have to apologize for the way I acted in the past few hours. I'm so sorry" I bowed waiting for one of them to say something until i felt a swift bump to the head, i looked up and seen Yuno "ow.. what was that for?" he turned around back to face the direction of which the carriage was traveling in "being an idiot, it's not your fault that the bartender man made you intoxicated" Klaus nodded "Yuno is right y/n, it has been an honor to act as your protectors in your time of need" Mimosa giggled "enough of that Klaus. As they both said though it's no worry at all, besides you haven't been that bad" Yuno frowned "apart from when you fell and gave us all a heart attack" I looked off to the side "sorry.." they all smiled at me and shook it off.

"We're almost there.." Yuno turned to Klaus "is that crater where the fighting is happening?" Klaus nodded his head "it seems so, that is where i sense large amounts of magic power" Mimosa pointed at a large ray of magic power that shot into the air "look guys!" Klaus' breath hitched "the magic power, it's decreasing. Not good.." I threw myself towards the front of the carriage to look at the crater, when i laid my eyes upon it my eyes widened. Yuno laid a hand upon my shoulder "are you okay?" Mimosa and Klaus also looked back worried "it's just.. what's all that wide stuff? On the floor, is that the colours of the grass here?" Yuno stepped back in shock "you've never seen snow?" I turned around to face Yuno "sn-ow..? No" Mimosas facial features raised in shock "but it's snowed several times in the capital, how have you not seen it before?" I played with a small piece of my hair "now that i think about i have heard it before but every single time someone mentioned it to me they wouldn't let me outside and they'd close the curtains. It looks so beautiful" Klaus chuckled "it's amusing that someone who uses elements of the weather as magic fails to know what snow is" i smiled "i guess it is pretty funny huh?" Mimosa, Klaus and Yuno have me a small look of sympathy then faced back to the crater.
As we edged closer to the crater Klaus started to descend the carriage, Mimosa followed Klaus' lead.

When we landed there was a couple members of the Black Bulls and three Magic Knight captains excluding Yami.
"Is everyone safe?" I asked Yami, he nodded "of course kid. Now what on earth are you doing here?" my eyes became heavy "that's goo-"

Third person
Y/n passed out, about to hit the floor before Finral caught her head "can't have the pretty lady damaging her face now can we?" Yami turned to y/n's fellow Golden Dawn members "what's up with her?" Mimosa nervously laughed while scratching the back of her neck "it's probably the alcohol" Yami stared at the three and then burst out laughing "ahaha, like her uncle Yami! I'm proud of ya kid!" Captain Yami knelt down to where she was with Finral and slapped her head. Since it had been revealed that y/n was in fact the princess of the Clover kingdom and her father know about her magic knight antics Yami didn't feel the need to hide their bond or be stand-off ish with the girl anymore.
"Uncle Yami?" Klaus yelled "now that i think about it y/n did mention back at the magic knight exam that you were friends with her father" Yuno stated. Mimosa had her hand to her mouth like she was going to vomit "does that mean i'm related to you?" Yami chuckled and pulled out a pint of beer out of nowhere, after chugging it he replied "of course not! We're just friends, I was just raised as y/n's uncle. Would it be so bad if we were related?" Mimosa let a sight of relief out "yes, yes it would be" Yami glared at her "i'm going to pretend like i didn't hear that, now you kids.."
Yami walked over to where Asta was and threw him at Yuno, Mimosa and Klaus but no one bothered to try and catch him so he fell flat on the floor. "Take him and y/n back to town to recover. Asta really pushed past his limits and could do with some of your healing powers Mimosa, by the looks of it y/n will be sleeping for a while and will need help with the headache that's guaranteed to haunt her when she awakens" Yuno nodded "yes sir" Mimosa and Klaus also nodded taking Y/n and Asta down to the town with the directions from Gauche who was there during the eye of the midnight sun attack while the squad captains and Finral returned back to their headquarters.

Y/n's pov
"Y/n! Y/n! It's me!!" ouch, could whoever is making that loud noise be quiet my head is killing here.
"Y/n, cmon it's been ages! It's me Asta!" At that name my eyes bounced open and my head shot up "ow! ow! Big mistake!" I yelled holding my head in my hand "Asta!" "Y/n!" I enveloped him in a warm hug then shooting pain reached my forehead "can we lower the volume please my head is killing me" he nodded and whispered "i missed you so much" i grinned "likewise, i was wondering when i could have the chance to see you again.. oh no.. I completely forgot .. .. ..YOUR MAJESTY PRINCESS MA'AM!" Yuno came up behind him and karate chopped his head "Asta, quiet. She told you literally seconds ago to keep the volume down and you start yelling, so typical" "what does that mean?!" Yuno rolled his eyes  "you're doing it again, stop yelling" my eyes softened at Yunos attempt to tell off Asta "is everyone okay after the midnight sun of the eye attack? I think Yami mentioned it but I honestly can't remember all that well" Mimosa coughs "that's not what they're calledddd" i rested my head into my hands "right.. i'm sorry my heads a bit funny. The eye of the midnight sun right?" she pointed her finger at me "right!" Asta sat on the bed next to me "also to answer your question everyone is okay! Me and Yami really taught them a lesson!" i smiled "you've really come a long way.." Asta groaned "yeah but i really miss you.. TRANSFER TO THE BLACK BULLS RIGHT AWAYYYY" Yuno grabbed him and pulled him to the door and scolded him "Asta you can't be yelling at her like that, especially when she asked you not to talk super loudly. Also she's my-our squad member and you can't have her" he crossed his arms and looked away from him "nuh uh!" Asta ran up to me "you wanna join the Black Bulls right y/n?" I looked away from him and scratched my cheek "i-uh-hm" A white haired woman came and dragged Asta by the hood of his robe "leave her alone Asta! Who'd ever want to change from being a member of the prestigious Golden Dawn to the rowdy Black Bulls anyways?" I tilted my head and looked at the white besides woman "Noelle right? It's not even like that.. I don't care about what the squads are actually like- well i mean at first i did but that's because i was trying to prove myself.. now though? I love being a member of The Golden Dawn and i'm sure if I chose to be a Black Bull i'd love that too but.." I walked over to Yuno, Mimosa and Klaus "nothing could ever take me away from these three, i've made so many irreplaceable memories with them and nothing or no one could ever convince me to leave The Golden Dawn, I love it there.. it's my home" everyone smiled at me except Asta "fineee, that's fine! That doesn't matter because you'll be living in the castle with me when i become the wizard king!" Yuno raised an eyebrow "so y/n what colour do you want your room painted when i become the wizard king?" Klaus stood infront of me "now, both of you stop bothering her. Have you already forgotten she already has a room in the castle? She doesn't need to move in if either of you become the wizard king" they both turned to Klaus "if?" they spoke in unison, collectively me, Mimosa and Noelle sighed, we're all used to hearing about their ambitions and we support them for it but they're a pain when they're together.
I turned my body to face Noelle "now that i think about it, we're cousins right? Technically we're all related" I spoke including Mimosa, Noelle nodded "I suppose we are. Asta did you hear that? You should be honoured to know all three of us" Noelle proudly looked at him with a smug look on her face waiting for a response of Asta but he was too busy arguing with Yuno "whatever.." i frowned and waved my hand at Asta "Asta, Noelle was talking to you" Asta and Yuno stopped arguing and faced me "she was? What did you say Noelle?" Noelle started blushing profusely and started mumbling "n-no i-i me-an y-yeah i did but it's not like i-i needed you or a-anything so whatever!" Asta looked at Yuno and Yuno shrugged "are you okay Noelle?" Noelle stiffens up and turns away from him "y-yeah i'm okay, i'm going to find ..someone-else" After replying Noelle left the room. Me and Mimosa glanced at each other and shrug. After the strange Noelle moment, me and Mimosa approached Asta, Yuno and Klaus.
Klaus was the first to turn to me "My apologies, I forgot to ask if you were feeling better after being intoxicated" I giggled "i'm fine now Klaus, my head still hurts though" I turn to Mimosa "I think im going to have to turn down that drinking on Christmas invitation Mosa" Yuno chuckled "then i'll have too aswell, it's not worth it if i don't get too see little miss lighthead here act like an idiot" he rested his elbow on top of my head "idiot?" Mimosa nodded "you were kind of an idiot, you jumped out of Klaus' carriage. Yuno had to save you and everything" Astas eyes widened and tears formed in his eyes "YUNO GOT TO SAVE YOU? I WANT A CHANCE TO SAVE YOU" Yuno squinted at him "are you saying you want her to be in danger?" Klaus gasped "Asta how dare you! The princess needs to stay safe at all costs!!" Asta jumped up and down "you know that's not what i meant! I just want to go on a mission with you y/n!!" Mimosa giggled "I actually think it's be nice to go on a mission with the Black Bulls again" I nodded "i'd love too as well, after all I missed out last time.. If it happened once there's a chance that it may happen again don't worry Asta! Also Klaus please stop calling me princess, we're friends after all" Mimosas cheeks puffed "exactly, and if you call her princess how come i don't get any special name? I'm royalty too you know.." Klaus pushed up his glasses "yes but she is the princess- y/n- princess.. ahem yes we are friends i'll stop addressing you in a way that would suggest otherwise" I smiled "that would be much appreciated" Mimosa buried herself in her robe "we should probably get going soon" Yuno nodded "right, it's quite late and freezing" my eyes sparkled "i completely forgot, SNOW!" Astas eyes sparkled with mine as his arms lifted above his head in excitement "SHOULD WE GO PLAY IN IT?" my face lit up "WE CAN PLAY IN IT? WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?!" I took my hand in his and ran outside to play in the snow.

Third Person
Yuno, Mimosa and Klaus stood there dumbstruck.
Klaus pushed up his glasses once again "so did anyone else know she'd react like that" Mimosa crossed her arms "it's understandable, she's never seen snow before after all" Yuno smiled softly "they both act like children" Mimosa and Klaus turned to Yuno "really? Being royalty i thought she would be more mature than to get excited over playing with snow?" Yuno shook his head "of course not, she's a child deep down. She gets happy over the silliest of things, it's what makes her so fun to be around" Mimosas eyebrows raised "Yuno, talking about having fun? Something i never thought would happen" Klaus smiled "seems as if our princess brings out the best in all of us" Mimosa and Yuno nodded in agreement. Yuno put his hood up "is there any point in us staying in here or should we go outside with them?" Mimosa eyes sparkled "let's go outside. I want to have a now ball fight with Asta!" Yuno and Mimosa wait by the door for Klaus to speak, he sighed "fine, but i will not be indulging in any snowball fights" Yuno and Mimsoa raced outside followed by Klaus.
Y/n's pov
"So this is how you make a snow ball?" I shaped the snow in my hand into a ball, "yeah! That's great!" Asta stood up dropping his snow ball "OH MAN I WORKED REALLY HARD ON THAT TOO" I put out my hand "do you want mine?" he shook his head "no thank you, you worked hard on that.. now it's time to put it too the test!" He pointed at Yuno who had just exited the building we walked out of "you want me to throw it at him?" "yeah! Straight in the face!" I frowned "in the face?" "yeah! That's how it's done!" I looked at Yuno and aimed my snow ball and threw it, using my wind magic to carry it all the way to his face. The snow ball caught him off guard and hit him in the face, the snow exploding making little snow particles scatter across his clothes and hair that poked out of his hood. He looked directly at me and his face turned pink from the coldness of the snow. I ran up to him "i'm so sorry! Did that hurt? I thought that's how snow balls were supposed to be used" Yuno raised his eyebrows "oh really?" he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder "what are you doing?!" he chuckled and ran with me "Where are you going Yuno?" Mimosa asked "only over here" he took me to a big pile of snow "wow, would you look at all this snow" he dumped me straight into the snow but as he dropped me i grabbed his sleeve bringing him with me. As my body sunk into the soft snow i started giggling and turned to Yuno "that was so fun!" he lightly laughed with me "i can't believe you brought me down with you!" i giggled "it's your fault for dropping me in here!" he sat up "don't forget you're the one who hit me in the face with a snow ball first" i sat up with him "Asta said that's how it's done!" Yuno raised an eyebrow "oh did he now? Asta!" Yuno got up and started using his wind abilities to create snow balls at lighting speed towards Asta and accidentally hit Klaus with one, only seconds later Yuno, Asta and Klaus was in an all out snow ball war.
Mimosa came over to me and sat down on the snow "i know i said this already but i'm so glad you're back in the Golden Dawn, things just wasn't the same without you" I sat down on the snow next to her with my knees hugging my chest "i'm sorry i had to leave, i wish i didn't have to but you know.. anyways i'm sure you all would've been fine without me" Mimosa looked at me and frowned "you can't seriously think that can you? Yuno barely spoke a word when you left, Klaus wouldn't eat food because he was too busy worrying about you and me?.. Well i thought you wouldn't be back" she held my hands in hers "i cried so much.. you're like my first true friend and i couldn't stand the thought of never seeing you again" I pulled her into a hug "i'll never leave you again okay? After all you're one of my best friends Mosa, I wouldn't be able to cope with never seeing you again either.." we both embraced eachother as the boys had a snow ball fight, eventually me and Mimosa joined in.
It's fair to say the night ended with us all exhausted on the floor surrounded by snow. I won the snowball fight of course but don't ask anyone else what happened because they'll lie and said i was the first one down.
After 10 minutes of us all being passed out on the floor Klaus rose to his feet and brushed the snow off his clothes "now it's really time for us to go" The rest of us also rose to our feet and collected our belongings.
Mimosa and Noelle said a sour goodbye to eachother while me Klaus and Yuno spoke to Asta.
"Now Asta, don't be too reckless and take care of yourself" Klaus walked away and to his carriage "Asta, we'll have to meet up and go to town soon together!" he started tearing up "DONT GO" he hugged me, Yuno tried prying his hands off of me "Asta you can let go of her now" I nodded "yeah Asta it's not like this will be the last time you'll see me" he let go "I KNOW BUT STILL. Yuno you better take care of her!" Yuno sighed "of course I will Asta and i'll do a much better job than you could ever do" Asta balled his fist "i'd do a much better job Yuno. I'll protect her everyday after I become the wizard king!" Yuno crossed his arms "why wait? I'll protect her everyday before and after i become the wizard king!" "YUNOOO!" Yuno smirked "we should get going y/n" i nodded "aye aye Yuno!" I had no clue as to why they were arguing about protecting me, I can protect myself. I hooked arms with Yuno and waved to Asta and Noelle "bye Asta, bye cousin!" they both waved back and Yuno and Asta gave eachother challenging smiles.

After the long and strange day we had we were finally heading home, but the events of the evening would have a consequence for one of magic knights in the following day.

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