Chapter 7

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"We should head to the ground for now just to ensure no one else is readying to attack" Klaus announced, we all agreed and landed on the ground in between the trees.

"I have to say well done for back there, you really saved me, so efficiently too. Impressive, I didn't even have to cast My holy rising lightning Salim spell. My interest in you has only peaked" He locked eyes with me "and my love for you has only grown" I looked away uncomfortably "great.."

"I have a great idea, why don't we pay a quick visit to that village of yours? It would be fascinating to see where you were raised. I wonder perhaps if it was the environment you grew up in that made you so powerful" I clasped my hands together "that's a great idea! I'd love to visit your village Yuno!" Klaus raised his glasses from the bridge of his nose "unfortunately that would require quite a detour also it's risky. As we've just seen we don't know what's in store for us, now please let's head straight for the heart king-" Salim raised his hand to shush Klaus.

"It doesn't matter who might try and attack us because i have the four of you to protect me, right?" Klaus looked off to the side "well yes of course sir but still.. a noble visiting a commoners village?" was that really the issue here? Is it such a big deal to them that he's a commoner? I really couldn't care less about someone's status as long as they're kind hearted.

"Oh please, we'd only be visiting, also besides after being so far away Yuno must be eager to see everyone form his village again, right?" Yuno blankly looked at him "that's really none of your concern" as much as i was hoping to meet the people who brought him he was right, it really was none of his concern, whether Yuno missed them or not.

"Now, now, i'm sure you wouldn't mind us visiting your village" Yuno looked away displeased "Magic Knights?" Klaus' glasses shone in the glistening sunlight that sunk through the trees "if we must, it will only be a brief visit though" "that's great to hear! I can't wait to see what your village is like!" I smiled at Yuno to which he nodded in reply.

We were all finally back in the sky but this time I was upfront with Klaus "so you've noticed right?" I whispered to him "noticed what commoner?" i frowned at his lasting nickname 'commoner.' I sighed "that they seem to be after Yuno, in that last attack they didn't even glance at Salim once" Klaus gave me a small nod "as much as I hate to admit it you're right, I did notice, it's rather strange" i glanced back at Yuno "he lost against Yuno in the magic knight exam" klaus glanced at me "is that so? What are you implying?" i rested my chin in between my thumb and my index finger in thought "well isn't it strange, him, a noble loses to Yuno, a commoner in the magic knight exam then he specifically asks for Yuno to be his bodyguard to the heart kingdom and when the men attacked they were only after Yuno? It doesn't make sense!" i raised my whisper for the last part earning a short glance off of Mimosa.

Klaus raised his brows at me "you're foolish if you think a noble would ever pull some sort of stunt like that on a mere commoner" my lips downturned "i see.." i headed back towards Yuno "so.. are you excited to be going back to the village" he nodded "i am happy that i'll get to see everyone again" a smile appeared on my face hearing that Yuno would be happy, he doesn't smile that often so it would be nice to see him happy with his family.

"I can't wait to meet them!" he looked at me confused "meet who?" "the priest and that sister Lily who raised you and Asta duh!" his lip slightly up curled "don't forget, there are other kids there too" my eyes widened "oh yeah, I completely forgot that you and Asta told me about them! I bet they're so cute!" "hold onto your excitement till you get there, we wouldn't want you to fall off your broom and make a fool of yourself" I looked away "like that would ever happen" "it definitely would" "whatever Yuno!"

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