Chapter 24

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We stumbled across the person that was singing, it was a girl. Her singing seemed to make bubbles appear around her. It's fair to say Asta was completely captivated by her.. if I was being honest I was too, I had never heard singing like hers.
It felt as if I was dreaming.
She finally noticed us when asta muttered some words I couldn't hear.

"OMG HI! WERE YOU LISTENING?" oh, I wasn't expecting her to be so loud and energetic but i'm not upset about it at all!
"NOTHING I CAN DO ABOUT IT, wanna be friends?" my eyes widened, friends?..
"i'd love too!"
Asta and Noelle turned to me "what?"
she smiled and hugged me "that's totally great! Now that we're friends I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Kahono and you?"
I put out a hand "I'm y/n, it's wonderful to meet you! That's Asta and this is Noelle.. Your singing is beautiful by the way"
she blushed
"Y/n, Noelle and Asta.. thank you i'm glad you liked it!"
Noelle took a step forward.
"soo.. Kahono what are you doing out here so late?"
she grinned "just singing~"
Noelle deadpanned "i gathered that much" was she being sarcastic? I'm not sure.. it's so hard to tell..

"This is the perfect place for voice training. The atmosphere, the acoustics, I just love singing here!" acoustics?
"voice training?" Noelle questioned. She blushed and made fists of excitement "that's right! You see I have this dream between my singing, dancing and spell casting, I'm gonna become an idol!!" she practically sparkled after telling us her dream. I mean I totally supported her dream to be a what?.. idol.. now that i think about it.. i.. have no idea what that is!
"What's an idol?" Asta and Noelle spoke in unison. It's like they're reading my mind.. so spooky..
if i think of something mean then maybe they'll say something, right here we go!

Astas feet are big, Astas feet are big.. nothing? one more time.. "ASTAS FEET ARE BIG" Asta slowly turned to me with the most confusing look on his face "did you just shout in my ear about how big my feet are?" my eyes widened "SO YOU CAN READ MY MIND?!" Noelle rested her head in her hand stressed "no y/n.. you just yelled it out.."
I tilted my head "oh.. i did?.. .. so you can't read my mind?"
"oh too bad that would've been so cool!"
Kahono coughed "anyways.. as i was saying.. Idols are all the rage in the common and noble realms.. okay so idols are people who are so good at singing and dancing and using magic that everyone knows who they are, well except you i guess. I'm gonna work and work and work until I make it big as an idol and get crazy rich!"
So she's doing this for the money? I don't blame her i mean i knew i grew up privileged.. it's kind of sad i mean that people who have more talent and less money have to work twice as hard than those without talent and loads of money to get places.

Noelle placed a hand on her right hip "so that's why you're doing it, I don't see what's so great about money. I mean it just gets in the way" Astas eyes sparkled "you're so wrong there, you royals are basically rolling in the stuff so you can't understand this but money? It's a big deal. I mean without it you can't buy pot potato's" Noelle sighed "if you don't have any pot potato's just eat steak instead" Astas got on his hands and knees infront of Noelle "ROYALTY" I squatted down next to him and tapped his back "there, there Asta I actually get what you mean. I'm aware i'm also royal but I understand the concept of money.. now a lot more than I did when we first met. I understand that without money people struggle to eat, have homes and have nice clothes.. in short money helps people survive and creates opportunities" Asta states at me for a moment then gets onto his hands and knees for myself "woah Asta I-" "Oh y/n the great and wise! It's no wonder you're a princess.. so kind!" I blushed and turned away "asta no.. I don't want to be a princess, not any time soon anyways" He got up in my face "WHAT BUT YOUD MAKE A PERFECT PRINCESS" I blushed even more I knew I was a princess but hearing someone call me a perfect princess felt weird but in a good way.
Kahono looked down, I placed a hand on her shoulder  "Kahono are you ok-" "YOU DIDNT TELL ME YOU WERE A PRINCESS! HOW COULD YOU? I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS YOU HAVE SO MUCH MONEY" I chuckled lightly grateful she wasn't actually upset "I am a princess, but me and my father.. let's just say we had a disagreement and I don't really have endless amounts of money.. but I could try and pull a few strings with my uncle who is also king and try and get you to perform to the city if you want?" she looked down once again "it fine if you don't want to id totally understand i me-" "I WOULD LOVE THAT, YOU'RE THE BEST Y/N" I giggled "you too Kahono!"
I was so glad I could do something to help someone's dream come true! Mom would be so proud of me..

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