chapter 3

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You gotta be kidding me, his robe, his aura and magical ability, he had to be a Magic knight Captain but that was impossible, it's been 4 years but i was sure i knew that man asta was with, his name? Yami Sukehiro. By now you must be wondering how i know Yami, let me explain. When i was around 9 years old my dad met this strange man while he was out with the wizard king one day, my father started  to grow attached to him and he visited our house often, sometimes bringing me gifts from his adventures.. then all of a sudden one day he stopped showing up, that man is Yami.  I can't believe he's here.

Asta laid a hand on Yamis shoulder "wow, you look really old for your age. Must've had a rough life, huh? haha" asta you idiot!

Yamis hand perfectly fit around astas head and squeezed "looks like i was right about that death wish" i frowned and ran up to them "yami put him down!" i realised that he may recognise who i am but i couldn't risk him hurting asta, besides it's been years since he visited so he probably hadn't talked to dad in ages "huh? I see, another kid with a death wish?  Luckily i have two hands" he raised me up "don't you remember me?" i sulked, he squinted his eyes and dropped me to the ground "you can't have done that more gently could ya?! That's the second time today" "but how? oh boy your old man's gonna kill ya!" i widened my eyes and shook my head, his brows furrowed as i rose to my feet, i inched closer to him and gestured for him to bend down due to our height difference "i'm here secretly don't blow my cover" yami nodded "sure kid, whatever" "wha- happen-" asta muffled under yamis hand.

"Captain, finally found you! What are you doing out here anyways?" a boy around the same age as me walked towards me, yami and asta wearing the same robe as yami, i could only assume he's in his magic knight squad. Yami glared at asta "right now i'm getting ready to wring this kids head in."

Another man was with the one who spoke to yami, he was very pale and seemed to be wearing.. makeup? he also seemed to be apart of their squad. "So who's this lovely lady?" the first man approached me and kissed my hand, a light pink colour dusted my cheeks at his actions "oh.. im.. i uh.. my names, it's uh y/n" he smiled gleefully at me "my names finral! pleasure to meet you beautiful" I had to admit that this finral boy was a little attractive but with the way he greeted me i was pretty sure he was a playboy.
Through the silence between me and finral i heard the yelps of asta "hey now.. please leave asta alone"  finral looked towards yami and sighed "you probably should leave him alone captain yami, a squad captain can't kill and examinee. Why'd you even come down here in the first place?" "I went to take a dump and got lost" how vulgar.

"the end of your little life. Eight"
I tried pulling yamis hand away from asta "why- gah! are you- uh- so strong!!?"
he started tightening his grip
Asta dropped his feet to the ground and started yelling, attempting to push yamis hand up and off his head.
"three, two, one"
Fireworks exploded in the sky, catching yami off guard.

Finral rested his arm on my shoulder "well now, look at that. The exam is about to begin" yami dropped asta "that was a close one boy. You got a second chance at life, better do something with it or i'll come back and kill you"  knowing yami that was not an empty threat, he truly did mean it. As nice as Yami could be, he was not a liar, if he said he was gonna do something he genuinely would.

"I'm sorry i have to go y/n. I'll be rooting for you, see ya later" Finral winked at me causing me to turn away in fluster.

Asta rubbed his head  in pain "that was a whole lotta not fun and you!" he pointed at me "wanna explain how you know that scary squad captain?!" i started playing with my fingers in a panick "well uh, he used to be friends with my father, i had no clue he had become a magic knight squad captain though!" I wasn't lying, there was no need to lie, if yami was the same he wouldn't have talked to anyone about what happened in his past,  most of his past anyways, i had full trust in yami that he wouldn't snitch on me. I bowed to asta "im sorry for not telling but i didn't know!" yuno karate chopped my head "don't apologise idiot" a tear fell from my eye "yuno! that hurt!" yuno walked away and i followed him.

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