Chapter 2

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After a long 5 minutes of putting in my all to avoid the castle guards i had escaped.

I was dressed in a f/c knee length dress with a rip down the left thigh and puffed out sleeves, not that my outfit mattered considering i had a cloak to hide my identity for now. As i was still in the Noble realm i had to keep my hood up, while i had not left the castle grounds in awhile that did not mean no guards would be lurking about the place that could notice me at any moment and that was a chance i could simply not take.

After admiring the town of Raquey i hid in the back of a carriage that i heard was heading to the common realm, using the carriage would save my poor feet from walking super far that's for sure. I did not feel comfortable at all, i was hidden in an empty suitcase on the back of the carriage which was cramped and dark and quite frankly i'm not the biggest fan of the dark so the sooner i get myself out of this, the better. The darkness of the suitcase would not be an issue if i had the ability to use the sun part of my weather control but every time i try and wield it or control it I get badly blinded temporarily or get seriously burnt so Lucy advised me against practicing with it till i was stronger.

"Woah girl, we're here!" after what felt like weeks the carriage had finally stopped, i peaked through the zippers of the suitcase to make sure the coast was clear and carefully tipped myself out of it.
After leaving the suitcase i tried to keep my head as low as possible, it was true that in the common realm my chances of getting recognized were slim but my hair on the other hand would be sure to draw attention, it never used to be white but when i was about 10 it changed from my usual h/c to a solid white colour, according to my mom its something that runs in the family? she had it and her parents and grandparents before her had it, one of her ancestors got cursed when she was younger and a side effect of that curse was white hair, for some reason no matter how many generations there were or genes had been changed it was always be certain that the offsprings of my ancestors would eventually be caused to have white hair. I had grown quite fond of it despite the attention it drew at first, my cousin noelle and her family also had the genes which made sense considering her dad and my mom were siblings, dad never let me socialize with them though as they were rumoured to be quite rude and used their royal position to gain respect throughout the kingdom. Despite the rumours about the Silva family I still wanted to be friends with noelle she's my age so there's a good chance we could get along!

While keeping my head down i tried glimpsing to the side to look around and as i did my eyes widened in awe, there were so many people bustling about the town and talking, it truly was a sight to behold, everyone looked like they're were nice and getting along well with eachother.

As i was admiring the pretty colours and people of the town around me i seemed to have bumped into a wall and fell down to the floor "owww, that hurt real bad.." i rubbed my bottom "then you should watch where you're going" i looked up and seen a tall raven haired boy with a slim build, my face turned red with embarrassment "i'm so sorry! i didn't mean to bump into you, it's just that there's so many people and the towns so pretty, i got carried away and gah i'm so sorry please forgive me" i looked down "it's fine" the boy looked away "Yuno? Where are you?!" "i'm here" "that's not very specific ya know!! oh here you are, stop leaving me!" the raven haired boy 'yuno' turned around to face the person who was addressing him "whatever asta, it's your problem if your little legs can't keep up" "Yuno! oh who are you talking to?" the loud boy previously called asta looked past yuno towards me "WOW YOUR HAIR!" my eyes widened as i tried to grasp at the edges of my hood to realize it had fallen down "oh no, this can't happen!" i pulled my hood back up and buried my face into my knees "why are you hiding for?" yuno questioned suspiciously "yeah? you're hair is really pretty, you shouldn't hide it like that" heat rose to my face "really? thank you" i took my face from my knees and looked towards the short boy "it's not that though" he tilted his head in confusion "then there's another reason you're hiding?" shoot i shouldn't have said that
"oh no i mean i uh it just caused a lot of unwanted attention.. yeah that's right so i try and keep it covered" asta frowned "but still your face is pretty too, you should at least show that!" i smiled at the boys kindness "thank you, that's so sweet! asta was it?" he nodded "your hair is weird too ya know? it's like mine but ashier" yuno snickered "she's saying your hairs dirty" i panicked "no i didn't mean it like that, it's just darker that's all i didn't mean it to come out in a rude way" asta laughed "don't worry, yunos a jerk" i frowned he didn't seem too bad i mean surely he would've got mad with me for bumping into him otherwise "so why are you on the floor?" asta asked, i looked around and realized that i was infact still on the floor getting weird looks from other civilians too at that "did yuno hit you?! if he did you let me know and i'll teach him a lesson!" i giggled "no no it was actually my fault" i bent my knees and stood up patting the dust off of myself "i actually bumped into him causing me to fall, so no need to get violent with him okay?" asta nodded happily "that's good, well not the falling part but everything else! so where are you headed.. uh.. what's your name again?" yuno sighed "she never said it"

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